1508 洗衣房


Laundromat 洗衣房

1. Hey, I need to make change for laundry. 嘿,我要换点零钱洗衣服。

Hey dude, could I get some change to do my laundry? 嘿,伙计,我要洗衣服,能换些零钱吗?

No problem man, here you go. 没问题,老兄,给你。
Sure, dude, here. 当然可以,老兄,给你。

♦ laundry n. 送洗的衣服,洗衣房

2. Man, I hate waiting for my clothes to dry! 老兄,我讨厌等着衣服烘干。

Ugh, it's so boring waiting for clothes to dry. 啊,等着把衣服烘干真是无聊死了。

I know man, I hate this shit. 我知道,老兄,我也讨厌这样。
I hear ya dude, I hear ya. 没错,老兄,可不是嘛。

♦ I hear ya, 是啊,可不是嘛。表示认同对方的话,是口语中一种非正式的用法。

3. This laundromat is overpriced! 这家自助洗衣店太贵了!

This is so expensive just to clean your clothes! 只是洗一下衣服就这么贵。
That how much this is, ugh. 我讨厌这东西这么贵,啊。

Yeah man, it's basically robbery! 是啊,简直就是打劫。

♦ laundromat n. 自助洗衣店
♦ overpriced adj. 定价过高的

4. How do I work these laundry machines? 我怎么使用这些洗衣机?

How do I get this to run properly? 我怎么使用这些洗衣机?

Just put your money in over here. 把钱从这里投进去就行。
It's easy, dude. Just put the money in here. 很简单的,伙计,把钱从这里投进去就行。

5. Should I separate my colored clothes? 我该把有颜色的衣服分开吗?

I should separate my colored clothes from the white ones, right? 我该把有颜色的衣服和白色的衣服分开,对吗?

Yeah, use bleach with your white clothes and wash your colors separately. 是的,用漂白剂洗白色的衣服,有颜色的衣服分开洗。

♦ separate vt. 分开,分离
♦ bleach n. 漂白剂

6. I don't want to shrink this jacket, should I use hot or cold Water? 我不想让这件夹克缩水,我该用热水还是冷水?

What would work best for these jeans? Hot or cold water? 这些牛仔裤用什么洗最好? 热水还是冷水?

Hot water, for sure.肯定是热水啊。
I would use cold water for this. 这个该用冷水吧。

♦ shrink vt. 收缩,缩水

Laundromat Conversation 对话

Steve: Hey, do you know how much the new laundromat is?

Kevin: Yeah I don't know about that new place, probably 2 or 3 bucks to do a load. 两到三十元吧。
凯 文:我不知道那家新开的店要多少钱,可能洗盆衣服两到三美元吧。

Steve: God damn it. Why does it have to cost so much? That's way too much for a poor college kid.

Kevin: Get a job! (laughs) Alright man, I used the after-hours box at the post office. Let's go do laundry.

Steve: Alright man, I'll drive.

(They drive to the laundromat)

Kevin: Ugh, I hate doing laundry so much. So boring and expensive.

Steve: I hear you, I'm gonna have to start rewearing clothes for a couple of weeks!

Kevin: Gross! Hey do you have any detergent?

Steve: Sure, here.
Kevin: Thanks, man. Well, here's to waiting!
凯 文:谢谢,伙计。好了,开始等吧!

♦ God damn it. 天哪,该死的  
♦ Get a job! 干点儿正经事!找份工作! 
♦ after-hour 业余的,工作时间之外的 
♦ gross adj,恶心的,令人厌恶的(俚语) 
♦ detergent n. 洗衣粉,洗涤剂 

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