Language Learning


  • 英语:委内瑞拉反对派前候选人称他被迫签署一封承认失败的信
    by on September 19, 2024 at 6:54 am Venezuela’s former opposition candidate, Edmundo González, on Wednesday said he was coerced into signing a letter effectively recognizing his defeat in July’s presidential election, which electoral authorities claim was won by President Nicolás Maduro. The revelation of the letter is the latest strain to the country’s political crisis, which was exacerbated by the disputed … 英语:委内瑞拉反对派前候选人称他被迫签署一封承认失败的信 Read More » The post 英语:委内瑞拉反对派前候选人称他被迫签署一封承认失败的信 appeared first on Language Learning 读新闻 学外语.

  • 英语:唐纳德·特朗普表示他下周“可能”会与泽连斯基会面
    by on September 19, 2024 at 3:53 am Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would “probably” meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy, who will be in the U.S. next week to address a meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Russia’s war in his country. “Probably, yes,” Trump said in response to a question from a reporter about whether … 英语:唐纳德·特朗普表示他下周“可能”会与泽连斯基会面 Read More » The post 英语:唐纳德·特朗普表示他下周“可能”会与泽连斯基会面 appeared first on Language Learning 读新闻 学外语.

  • 德语:黎巴嫩寻呼机爆炸
    by on September 18, 2024 at 5:37 pm

    Source: Pager-Explosionen im Libanon: Wie tickt Israels Geheimdienst Mossad? Die Ereignisse des 17. Septembers im Libanon könnten direkt aus einem Spionagefilm stammen. Pager, die landesweit in Gebrauch waren, detonierten plötzlich. Diese kleinen elektronischen Geräte wurden von der Hisbollah zur Kommunikation verwendet, um Abhörversuchen westlicher Geheimdienste und Staaten zu entgehen. Es scheint jedoch, dass Israel es geschafft hat, … 德语:黎巴嫩寻呼机爆炸 Read More » The post 德语:黎巴嫩寻呼机爆炸 appeared first on Language Learning 读新闻 学外语.

  • 俄语:黎巴嫩发生新一轮爆炸:这次是收音机和其他设备引爆
    by on September 18, 2024 at 3:37 pm

    Source: В Ливане произошла новая серия взрывов: на этот раз детонировали рации и другая техника — УНИАН В Бейруте, столице Ливана, снова взрывались пейджеры, а также рации и радиоприемники у членов группировки “Хезболла”. По данным Reuters, взрывы устройств зафиксированы в среду, 18 сентября на юге страны и в южных пригородах Бейрута, сообщили источник в органах безопасности и свидетели. … 俄语:黎巴嫩发生新一轮爆炸:这次是收音机和其他设备引爆 Read More » The post 俄语:黎巴嫩发生新一轮爆炸:这次是收音机和其他设备引爆 appeared first on Language Learning 读新闻 学外语.

  • 英语:泽连斯基:一年多来,海上走廊已运输7000万吨货物
    by on September 18, 2024 at 3:27 pm

    Source: Zelensky: For more than year of work, 70 million tonnes of cargo have been transported through sea corridor For more than a year of operation of our export sea corridor, 70 million tons of cargo have been transported. More than 2500 vessels have left Ukrainian ports. This was announced by President Volodymyr Zelensky in … 英语:泽连斯基:一年多来,海上走廊已运输7000万吨货物 Read More » The post 英语:泽连斯基:一年多来,海上走廊已运输7000万吨货物 appeared first on Language Learning 读新闻 学外语.

  • 英语:美国宇航局称,体育场大小的小行星将距离地球较近通过
    by on September 18, 2024 at 5:40 am

    Source: Stadium-sized asteroid will pass relatively close to Earth, NASA says | Fox News The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is monitoring a “potentially hazardous” asteroid that is moving past Earth on Tuesday. NASA told Fox News Digital that the rocky object, which has been named 2024 ON, is 350 meters long by 180 meters wide, which … 英语:美国宇航局称,体育场大小的小行星将距离地球较近通过 Read More » The post 英语:美国宇航局称,体育场大小的小行星将距离地球较近通过 appeared first on Language Learning 读新闻 学外语.

  • 俄语:美国表示已经了解泽连斯基的和平计划——
    by on September 18, 2024 at 5:26 am

    Source: Мирный план Зеленского – в США заявили, что уже ознакомились с ним — УНИАН Постоянный представитель США при ООН Линда Томас-Гринфилд заявила, что Соединенные Штаты уже ознакомились с планом президента Владимира Зеленского по окончанию войны. “Мы видели мирный план президента Зеленского. Мы считаем, что он излагает стратегию и план, которые могут работать. И нам нужно … 俄语:美国表示已经了解泽连斯基的和平计划—— Read More » The post 俄语:美国表示已经了解泽连斯基的和平计划—— appeared first on Language Learning 读新闻 学外语.

  • 俄语:情报总局局长布达诺夫表示,无人机将在战争中取代士兵
    by on September 17, 2024 at 5:35 pm

    Source: Буданов – глава ГУР заявил, что дроны заменят солдат на войне — УНИАН Количество наземных роботов, которые можно будет использовать в ходе полномасштабной войны, кратно вырастет за этот календарный год, заявил глава Главного управления разведки Минобороны Украины Кирилл Буданов в интервью главному редактору The Economist Занни Минтон Беддоус. “Сейчас уже пошел новый этап — … 俄语:情报总局局长布达诺夫表示,无人机将在战争中取代士兵 Read More » The post 俄语:情报总局局长布达诺夫表示,无人机将在战争中取代士兵 appeared first on Language Learning 读新闻 学外语.

  • 英语:乌苏拉·冯德莱恩揭晓新的欧盟委员会团队
    by on September 17, 2024 at 4:18 pm

    Source: Ursula von der Leyen unveils new European Commission team The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, has presented her proposed new team of commissioners after negotiations with the EU’s member states. The European Commission is the EU’s equivalent of a cabinet, and each commissioner is responsible for a different portfolio. Out … 英语:乌苏拉·冯德莱恩揭晓新的欧盟委员会团队 Read More » The post 英语:乌苏拉·冯德莱恩揭晓新的欧盟委员会团队 appeared first on Language Learning 读新闻 学外语.

  • 英语:Meta 禁止 RT 和其他俄罗斯国家媒体网络
    by on September 17, 2024 at 3:49 pm

    Source: Meta bans RT and other Russian state media networks | Reuters Facebook owner Meta (META.O), opens new tab said on Monday it was banning RT, Rossiya Segodnya and other Russian state media networks from its platforms, claiming the outlets had used deceptive tactics to carry out covert influence operations online. The ban, strongly criticised by the … 英语:Meta 禁止 RT 和其他俄罗斯国家媒体网络 Read More » The post 英语:Meta 禁止 RT 和其他俄罗斯国家媒体网络 appeared first on Language Learning 读新闻 学外语.