
The few scholars 定语从句who have ventured their own definitions provide a glimmer of insight as to why consensus is so elusive名词从句作介词宾语2. Griffin, a contemporary leading light in the field同位语, defines fascism as “a genus of political ideology whose mythic core in its various permutations is a palingenetic form of populist ultra-nationalism定语从句.” Roger Eatwell claims 宾语从句that fascism’s “essence” is a “form of thought 定语从句that preaches the need for social rebirth in order to forge a holistic-national radical Third Way.” Emilio Gentile suggests, “A mass movement, that combines different classes but is prevalently of the middle classes定语从句,修饰,mass, which sees itself as having a mission of national regeneration定语从句,修饰class, is in a state of war with its adversaries and seeks a monopoly of power by using terror, parliamentary tactics and compromise并列作介词宾语 to create a new regime, destroying democracy.”2

少数冒险尝试自己定义的学者对为什么共识如此难以捉摸提供了一些见解。格里芬是该领域的当代先驱。他将法西斯主义定义为“政治意识形态的一种,其各种形态的神话核心是民粹超级民族主义的再生形式。”罗杰·伊特韦尔(Roger Eatwell)声称,法西斯主义的“本质”是“一种思想形式,其宣扬社会重生的必要性,以构筑一个全民激进的第三条道路。埃米利奥·Gentile(Emilio Gentile)表示:“这是一场回合了不同阶级,但主要是中产阶级的群众运动。其自视是民族复兴的使命,与对手处于战争状态,并通过恐怖活动,议会策略和建立新政权的妥协方式寻求权力的垄断,破坏民主。”

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