1302 选择旅行社


Choose the Travel Agency 选择旅行社

1. I need to shop around for travel agencies. 我要到周围的旅行社看看。

Have to look for a travel agency. 我得找家旅行社。
I should look at different travel agencies. 我应该看看不同的旅行社。

Yeah, there's a bunch of them out there. 嗯,那边有好多旅行社。
I bet you could find a good deal. 我肯定你能找到一家合适的。

♦ shop around 四处看看
♦ a bunch of 一大堆

2. I looked up some travel agencies online. 我在网上找了几家旅行社。

I went online to look up some travel agencies. 我在网上找了几家旅行社。
I was doing research on travel agencies. 我在做旅行社的调查。

Did you find anything good? 你发现有什么好的旅行社了吗? 
I hope your search was successful. 我希望你能成功找到。

♦ do research on 对...进行研究,对...进行调查
3. I talked to the travel agent, and they gave me some rates. 我和这家旅行社谈过了,他们给了我一些优惠。 打听旅行社的优惠条件: I spoke with a travel agent. They gave me some rates. 我和一家旅行社速过了,他们给了我一些优惠。  I got some rates from a travel agent. 我从一家旅行社享受到了优惠。 The travel agent I spoke with gave me some rates. 我谈的那家旅行社给了我一些优惠。  哦,是什么:  Tell me what they offered. 告诉我他们提供了什么。 Did they offer a good deal? 他们提供优惠价格了吗?  ♦ travel agent 旅行社,旅行代理人 4. I picked a really good travel deal from the travel agency. 我从旅行社选了一个很好的旅行套餐。 从旅行社选优惠套餐: I got a really nice travel deal from the travel agency. 我从旅行社选了一个很好的旅行套餐。 The travel deal got is amazing. 我选的这个旅行套餐太棒了。 I picked a great travel deal. 我选了一个非常不错的旅行套餐。  是吗,你都选了什么套餐:  That’s good. 太好了。 Tell me what you picked. 告诉我你选了什么。 5. I think I’ve decided on a travel agency. 我想我已经选定了一家旅行社。 确定旅行社:  I’ve picked out a travel agency. 我已经挑了一家旅行社。 I decided on a travel agency. 我选定了一家旅行社。 I know what travel agency I want to use. 我知道我需要什么样的旅行社。  快告诉我是哪家:  Cool. Which one? 是哪家?  Are you sure you picked a good one? 你确定你挑选了一家不错的?  ♦ pick out 挑选出
6. What kind of tours do you have? 你们都有哪些旅行路线呢?

What kind of tours are available? 你们都有哪些旅行路线呢? 
What kind of tours do you offer? 你们都提供哪些旅行路线呢? 
What kind of tours are there? 这都有哪些旅行线路? 

Well, we have many tours. Here is our travel brochure and you can have a look.嗯,我们有好多旅行线路。这是我们的旅行小册子, 你可以看一下。 
Let me give you some brochures. We have a "Grand Tour" and "The Wonderful All-day Tour", 看看这些小册子。我们有“大族群” 和“精彩一日游”。 
We have some fun week-long getaways. 我们有一些有趣的周游旅游线路。

♦ brochure n. 小册子,宣传册
♦ getaway n. 旅行,假期旅游

Choose the Travel Agency Conversation 对话

Kevin: Hello. 

Travel Agent: Hi there, sir. How can I help you today? 

Kevin: I was wondering what kind of rates you offer for hotels in Florida.

Travel Agent: At this time of year? I could find some really cheap ones. 

Kevin: That's great. Could you give me some examples?

Travel Agent: Well, here's a list of the hotels we work with. 
Kevin: Wow, there are some pretty big names here.
凯 文:哇,这上面有好多知名酒店啊。 

Travel Agent: Yup. The rates vary, but you give me a few on the list that you like, I can call them up for you. 
旅行社:是的。优惠也有好多种, 但如果这名单上有你喜欢的酒店的话,我可以给他们打电话问一问。

Kevin: That would be awesome. This seems like the best deal I've found. 

Travel Agent: I'm glad you came to us, sir.

Kevin: Here, I'd like to know the rates on these hotels.

Travel Agent: Alright. If you give me a few minutes I can get the information for you right now.

Kevin: Thank you very much. 

Travel Agent: You're very welcome. 

♦ work with 与...共事
♦ yup 是的(俚语,相当于yes)

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