605 犹豫和后悔


Hesitate and Regret 犹豫和后悔

1. I'm not sure what I want to do. 

I don't think I know what I want. 我觉得我不知道我想要什么。
I'm really unsure about what I want to do. 我真的不确定我想做什么。
I'm feeling really indecisive. 我真觉得没法决定。

Do you need some encouragement? 你需要些鼓励吗?
Why not?Just think about it. 为什么不呢?好好想想吧。
Don't hesitate too much. You might miss your chancel 别犹豫太多, 你会错过机会的!

♦ encouragement n. 鼓励,鼓舞
♦ indecisive adj. 无决断力的,优柔寡断的
♦ hesitate vi. 踌躇,犹豫

2. What should do?

Please tell me what to do. 请告诉我该怎么做吧。

I don't know either. 我也不知道。

3. I'm nervous. I don't want to.


I don’t want to. I’m too nervous. 我不想啊,我太紧张了。
I’m too worried, so don’t want to. 我太担心了,所以不想啊。
I don’t want to, I’m worried about the outcome. 我不想,我担心结果。
I’m anxious about it. 我很担心。
I’m having second thoughts. 我再想想啊。

Don’t be nervous. 别紧张。
You should, though! Don’t let your nerves get in the way. 可是你应该啊!不要让紧张来妨碍你。

Don’t stress so much, you’ll be fine. 别太紧张了,你会没事的。

nervous adj. 易激动的,紧张不安的
outcome n. 结果,结局
anxious adj. 焦虑的,挂念的
have second thoughts 经过重新考虑而改变主意
get in the way 妨碍,阻碍

4. I really want to talk to them, but I don’t think I should.

I don’t think I should talk to them, even though I want to. 我觉得我不应该跟他们谈,即便我想。
I’m not sure if I should talk to them. I’d love to, but I don’t know how it will go. 我不确定是否要跟他们谈谈。我想跟他们谈,但我不知道结果会怎样。
I would love to talk to them, but I’m getting uneasy thinking about it. 我想跟他们谈,但我觉得心神不安的。

Why do you feel that way? 你为什么会有那种感觉呢?
Maybe you should listen to your heart. 也许你应该听从你内心的感觉。
Talking to them can't hurt anything. 跟他们谈谈吧,又不会有什么伤害。
You're worrying too much. Just chill! 你就是担心太多了,冷静点吧!

♦ uneasy adj. 心神不宁的,担心的
♦ listen to one's heart 听从心声,听从内心的感觉
♦ chill vi. 变冷,冷静

5. I should have spoken to them. 

I should have talked to them. 我本应该跟他们谈谈的。
It would be better if I had talked to them. 如果我跟他们谈了可能会更好。
I knew I should have talked to them. I regret not doing it. 我知道我该跟他们谈谈,我后悔没有去做。
I knew I should have listened to my gut instead. I thought about it too much. 我知道我应该听从内心的感觉,是我想的太多了。

Why didn't you? 那你为什么不做呢?
You can't undo the past now. 你现在无法修复过去的事情。
I told you not to get so stressed about it. 我跟你说过不要对此有那么大的压力。

♦ gut n. 内心
♦ undo local w. 取消,消除,使复旧
♦ stressed adj. 紧张的,感到有压力的

6. I wish I didn't hesitate.

I wish I went for it. 我希望我努力去做了。
I shouldn't have hesitated. 我不应该犹豫。
I wish I wouldn't have hesitated. 我真希望我没有犹豫。
I shouldn't have been so indecisive,我不该那么犹豫不决的。
I really should have made a decision sooner. 我真应该尽早作决定。

Everyone makes mistakes. 每个人都会犯错误。
I told you so. 我跟你说过的。
Try not to regret it too much. You should move on. 别那么后悔了,你应该向前看。

♦ move on 往前走,向前看

7. It’s up in the air.

I can’t say for sure. 我也说不准。
I haven’t decided yet. 我还没决定。
I haven’t made up my mind. 我还没有拿定主意呢。
I can’t make a decision. 我不能决定。

♦ up in the air 悬而未决的,没有确定的
♦ make up one’s mind 拿定主意

Hesitate and Regret Conversation 对话

Kevin: I am dying to talk to that girl I met the other day.

Debra: Then give her a call.

Kevin: I want to, but I don’t want to seem needy.

Debra: It’s not like you two are dating. And it’s been a few days since you saw her. Now would be the perfect time to call.

Kevin: I don’t know I’m so nervous. She’s really cute, and I don’t want to mess things up.

Debra: You won’t mess things up.

Kevin You don’t know that.
Debra: But if you never try, then you’ll regret it later.
黛布拉:但如果你从来都不试试, 那你以后会后悔的。

Kevin: Maybe…

Debra: Just call her later tonight.
Kevin: Okay. I’ll try to build up the courage.

Debra: You’ll do fine, man

Kevin: Thanks.

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