Different styles and Brands 商品式样品牌
1. I’m willing to pay a bit for getting a name brand item.
- Amazon Devices & Accessories 设备与配件
- Appliances 电器
- Audible Books & Originals 有声读物和原创作品
- Automotive 汽车
- Baby 婴儿用品
- Beauty & Personal Care 美容与个人护理
- Books 书籍
- Camera & Photo Products 相机和摄影产品
- CDs & Vinyl CD 和黑胶唱片
- Cell Phones & Accessories 手机及配件
- Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry 服装、鞋子和珠宝
- Computers & Accessories 电脑及配件
- Electronics 电子产品
- Entertainment Collectibles 娱乐收藏品
Name brand items are costly, but it’s worth it. 名牌产品虽然贵,但是很值。
I don’t mind paying a little extra for name brand quality. 我不介意多花点儿钱买个名牌质量的。
Yeah, me too. 是啊,我也是。
You’re crazy. It’s the same thing as a generic brand! 你疯了吧。这和普通牌子的东西一样。
♦ generic adj. 一般的,普通的
2. Generic food is just as good as name brand food.
I buy generic food to save money. It’s just as good as regular brands. 我买普通的食物省钱,再说也和正规品牌的一样好。
Generic brands are just a good way to save money. 买普通牌子的东西是省钱的好途径。
I hear you. Money is tight and everything helps! 我听说你说过,现在钱很吃紧,这一切都有帮助!
I don’t think so. I prefer the taste of a name brand. 我可不那么觉得,我更喜欢名牌。
♦ tight adj. 吃紧的,难得到的 3. What's your favorite brand of clothes? 你喜欢什么品牌的衣服?
What kind of clothes do you like? 你喜欢什么样的衣服?
I prefer gucci. 我喜欢古琦。
Hugo boss is the best! 雨果·波士最好!
♦ gucci n. 古琦,意大利时装品牌,其产品包括时装、皮具、皮鞋、手表、领带、丝巾、香水、家居用品及宠物用品等。一向以高档、豪华、性感而闻名于世,以“身份与财富之象征”品牌形象成为富有的上流社会的消费宠儿。
♦ Hugo boss 雨果·波士,世界知名奢侈品牌,源于德国,主营男女服裝,香水,手表及其他配件。
4. When it comes to clothing, off brand just isn’t as good.
Off brand clothes just look awkward. 杂牌的衣服看起来好劣质。
I can’t buy an off brand product. It just looks wrong. 我不买杂牌产品,看起来太差劲了。
没错,就是这样的: l agree. They're not made nearly as well. 没错,它们的做工几乎都不好。 off brand 杂牌,非名牌 awkward adj. 拙劣的,劣质的 5. I can't believe you bought that. Can you exchange it for a different brand? 我不敢相信你竟然买了个。你不能换个别的牌子吗? 我可不喜欢这个品牌: I hate brand! Can you exchange it, please? 我不喜欢那个牌子?请你换一个好吗? I really like these, but that brand makes me sick. I think I'll take this back. 我确实喜欢这些,但那个牌子让我觉得恶心。我想还是不