
17.4 状语的位置 

17.4.1 状语修饰动词时的位置 

1) 状语修饰动词,常位于动词之后。 

亚马逊导购   卑诗省当天新盘    读新闻学外语

His father has died suddenly. 他父亲突然去世了。 

The police came at once after receiving my call. 警察接到我的电话就立刻赶来了。 

Light travels extremely fast. 光的速度极快。 

2) 如果动词之后有跟宾语,则状语要位于宾语之后。     

His eyes adapted to the dark slowly. 他的眼睛慢慢适应了黑暗。 

The lady wanted to see her kid very badly. 那位女士很渴望见到她的小孩。 

3) 状语也可以置于动词之前,特别是一些副词。 

They quickly got used to this new way of life. 他们很快就适应了这种新生活方式。 

The little snail slowly moves to the door of its shell. 小蜗牛慢慢地爬到壳口。 


1) 当需要对状语进行强调时,可以将状语移到句首。 

After midnight, the curfew began. 午夜之后,宵禁开始了。 

2) 有时状语可以移位到宾语之前。这时比较考验阅读者的语感。 

He was very tall and carried over his head an umbrella. 他很高,头上撑着一把伞。 

17.4.2 状语修饰副词或形容词时的位置 


Given his age, this is absolutely impossible. 鉴于他的年龄,这绝对是不可能的。 

We can’t go any further. 我们不能再往前走了。 


副词enough 比较特别,应放于形容词和副词之后。 

He was intelligent enough to turn off the gas. 他关掉了煤气,够聪明的。 

We didn’t leave early enough. 我们离开得不够早。 

17.4.3 状语也可以位于句首,修饰整个句子或起连接作用。 

Admittedly, the local people didn’t know that at the time. 不可否认,当地的人当时并不知道情况。 

It’s too late to go out now. Besides, it starts raining outside.  


17.4.4 状语还可以作为插入成分,特别是插入到主语和谓语之间。 

This is, in fact, a new type of humour. 这个事实上是一种新式的幽默。 

Susan, horrified at what she had seen, could not say a word.  


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