[Music] to some home is where you’re from to others it’s where you know you can always go or where you’ll always feel welcome scishow has found a home here on YouTube but we’re also at home wherever you get your podcasts and on other popular social media platforms so this Sideshow compilation includes videos from across different scishow channels and platforms that explore some of the different ways that we humans think about home and there’s a lot of variety some people even live outside of our home planet so first up we’re calling on one of our scishow space hosts read to explain how hard it’s been for us to make a home anywhere else in the universe new Crews arrive at the International Space Station every couple months so it seems like we’ve got the whole living in orbit thing figured out but America’s first space station fell apart when it launched had a crew Rebel and crash back to Earth before NASA could save it its name was Skylab and space programs worldwide learned a lot about how to keep astronauts happy healthy and productive from the three crews who lived on board Humanity’s first space station was the solute one launched by the Soviets in 1971 but the missions had some problems and the solute one was deorbited later that year after only one crew made it on board two years later the U.S got into the game with Skylab which launched on May 14 Skylab was a Saturn 4B rocket booster that was adapted so astronauts could live inside it was much roomier than anything in space before giving the astronauts room to shower sleep do experiments and really experience microgravity like no one ever has skylab’s power came from two large solar panel arrays and shields protected it from solar radiation and micrometeoroids the bits of dust that become shooting stars in Earth’s atmosphere and can turn in unprotected spaceship into swiss cheese but the mission got off to a rocky start when it launched one of the shields fell off which tore off one of the solar panel arrays and jammed the other one Skylab made it into orbit but was uninhabitable without those pieces it basically had no power and the sun heated the inside to over 90 degrees Celsius when the first crew was sent up later that month NASA had to figure out how the heck to do major repairs on something in orbit over the course of several spacewalks the astronauts fixed the jam solar panel and deployed a bright orange sunshade to cool down the inside NASA learned a lot from these first big in-space repairs which definitely weren’t the last of their kind the ISS for example needs regular repairs and the Hubble Space Telescope had a faulty mirror that needed to be fixed in space before it could take clear photographs once they made it livable skylab’s first crew hopped on board and got down to business or really they got down to science more than 80 experiments were conducted on Skylab including biology physics and astronomy experiments that were proposed by high school students but there were also experiments for professional scientists like the Apollo telescope Mount which first detected things like holes in the Solar Corona it was a precursor to the ISS solar instruments that monitor the sun’s brightness and intensity which can affect climate down here on Earth another thing NASA wanted to know was how people’s bodies responded to being in space for weeks or months at a time solute one’s crew was in space for 23 days which was a world record at the time but each of skylab’s Crews blew past that record with the final crew spending a full 84 days in orbit with that much time in microgravity NASA could see evidence of bone density and body mass loss which happens because astronauts bodies don’t have to fight against gravity and other stresses as much nowadays astronauts do certain regular exercises in space to combat this problem but space agencies are still researching ways to keep them healthy skylab’s final crew launched in November 1973. only a few few months after the station was put in orbit and they had a rough relationship with their bosses they hid being sick in space which is a No-No when you don’t have access to Medical Health and they were also exhausted by the long 16-hour work days so they couldn’t possibly accomplish all the tasks they were commanded to do eventually they rebelled turning off all communication with NASA for a day just to relax of course NASA wasn’t happy about this and none of those astronauts ever went to space again but the incident also taught NASA some important lessons working in space can be slow especially for astronauts who haven’t been there before and you can’t treat humans like robots so future Crews were given much more balanced schedules but after that crew returned to Earth in 1974 Skylab stayed empty NASA had hoped they could send up more astronauts on an early shuttle mission in 1977 or 1978 but the program got delayed plus they ignored researchers predictions about more solar activity which expanded Earth’s atmosphere enough that it started dragging Skylab down by the time NASA considered sending a shuttle to push Skylab into a higher stable orbit there just wasn’t enough time so on July 11 1979 uninhabited for more than five years Skylab re-entered the atmosphere and broke apart over Australia and the Indian Ocean Skylab set the stage for future space stations like Mir and the ISS and showed that people really could live in space for a while and do important scientific research as long as you give them time to rest of course so for us humans home is usually somewhere on Earth but that still leaves a lot of options for what your home could look like you could have a minimalist home a knick-knack filled home or house plants covering every square inch of the place and there is some research supporting the idea that house plants are more than just Decor they might make your home happier here’s the psychology of how that works from the scishow psych Channel Instagram is full of seemingly happy plant owners cultivating succulents and philodendrons you might have even seen local plant stores advertise their Wares as stress reducing roommates and the truth is there is some evidence that house plants are good for your mental health it’s just not really clear why we’ve been studying how house plants make us feel for decades in a range of different indoor situations but some of the most robust evidence that house plants can improve mental health comes from hospitals for example a study from 2009 looked at how the presence of plants and flowers affected the recovery of 90 patients in the hospital for hemorrhoidectomies and that is what it sounds like it’s a time in your life when it’s probably not bad to have a plant friend around they found that patients in rooms with plants did fare better their blood pressure was lower and they reported less pain anxiety and fatigue the patients also said that the plants help them to relax and feel less anxious and made them feel more positively about the hospital staff caring for them and the researchers who led this study have found similar results with plants in the rooms of appendectomy and thyroidectomy patients as well the thing is these Hospital studies don’t tell us a whole lot about why this effect occurs just that it seems to researchers have tried to drill deeper into mechanisms by looking at plants in other indoor environments like offices and these studies seem to back up the idea that plants can positively affect our moods but the data start to get a little murkier one of the big questions is whether plants affect specific cognitive processes and therefore make us feel better by lifting our mental load or are just generally de-stressing some psychologists think that indoor plants and other living things have a restorative effect based on the idea of attention restoration Theory according to this Theory voluntary attention be attention needed for things that aren’t inherently fascinating but must be focused on nonetheless is finite but if you can just stop focusing so hard on things you you can give your mind time to replenish its attention reserves and plants may help you do that because they are inherently interesting so you don’t have to force yourself to pay attention to them one research team found that having plants in a room did help the 34 student participants to increase their attention capacity after a proofreading task but they felt that that might have been because the plants made the room feel more pleasant and reduced the participants stress levels in general rather than having a real restorative effect and there are good reasons to suspect that the presence of plants is just kind of relaxing like in a 2013 study 18 tested participants reported being more comfortable in an office environment with plants than a space without them even if a relaxing effect is real and directly induced by the plants themselves it still doesn’t tell us what about plants makes us feel less stressed researchers in that 2013 study asked the participants to say what they preferred in terms of color odor and plant size and found that the group favored small all green lightly scented plants so it may be that those sensory experiences seeing small bits of green or smelling living things somehow triggers relaxation but unfortunately studies that have tried to tease out whether it’s the color three-dimensional shape scent or some other aspect of a plant that really matters haven’t shed a ton of light on things in part that’s because many of the studies use surveys to ask the participants about their emotional and psychological responses to the plants while these results are relatively consistent across studies their subjective measures prone to all kinds of biases and linking mental states to more objective measures like physiological changes is tricky at best many studies look at changes to blood oxygenation in parts of the brain for example participants in these studies wear a special sensor that uses spectroscopy to measure near infrared light absorption you see red blood cells absorb light differently when they’re carrying a lot of oxygen and since oxygenation and blood flow in the brain have been linked to neural activity this measure might give the researchers a peek at how the brain is responding to different conditions but studies often get confusing results like in a 2016 study researchers had 24 men in their 20s look at either live plants or an empty flower box for three minutes after that the scientists detected a decrease in blood oxygenation in the right prefrontal cortex in the plant viewing group that went hand in hand with reports of feeling more comfortable and relaxed by viewing the plants so you might think less prefrontal cortex oxygenation equals a more relaxed state of mind but another study from 2015 found significant increases in blood oxygenation in both the left and the right prefrontal cortex when 18 participants viewed a real plant as opposed to a projected image of it this lack of consistency shows just how difficult it can be to untangle the correlations between physiological and psychological responses and some researchers have been critical of the methodology of studies is looking at indoor plant effects on mood in general a 2009 review of 21 studies took issue with a number of methods in the field including the fact that studies often used small sample sizes you wouldn’t expect the effects of indoor plants to be like huge and if they have small effects from a statistical perspective you’d need a large number of participants to pick them up similarly they criticized the variation in how the plants were presented in different studies the type size and placement of plants as well as the duration of exposure all differ greatly and that makes results difficult to compare but the reviewers did feel that the question of whether or not indoor plants can affect our mental health is worth studying so they made some recommendations for future experiments these included implementing more systematic approaches to plant exposure and making sure that studies looking at restorative effects of plants actually had the participants do something taxing enough to require restoration so even though we’ve been studying this for decades we still don’t seem to understand why we see positive effects from plants in places like hospitals or if the results mean house plants boost your brain power or improve your mental health in general but look here’s the situation those plants on your desk and by your couch are almost definitely not harmful to you as long as you’re not allergic to them or something so if you feel like your world is better when your desk or living room looks a little bit more like a jungle you do you regardless of what you keep in your home they all pretty much serve the same purpose right your home is a shelter but your home might come with more functions in the near future here’s how close we are to the perfect Smart Home there are all kinds of things that connect to the internet these days from Smart refrigerators that tell you when your food is expired to office lights you can turn off with your smartphone together this collection of smart devices is called The Internet of Things and it’s changing how we run our homes stores and even restaurants but someday it might be able to do a whole lot more in the futuristic perfectly automated Smart Homes you see in comic books and sci-fi the house basically runs itself it knows exactly what you need at any time and there’s a virtual assistant that can answer questions and control appliances we’re not quite there yet but a future with smart buildings that can do all of those things isn’t as far off as you might think there are just a few main types of technology that we need to develop first and the good news is we’re well on our way to figuring them out for a real smart home you’d need a system powerful enough to keep all your devices perfectly in sync communicating with each other and aware of what’s Happening all around the house so when your Smart Alarm Clock goes off in the morning it might turn on the lights in the living room start a pot of coffee and turn the TV onto your favorite Channel but the system would also need to be Advanced enough to know if your roommate is already up and watching TV so it wouldn’t change the channel a system like that would need some powerful hardware and a little speaker on your kitchen counter the moment isn’t going to cut it but there’s a pretty good work around most smart devices are already connected to a remote more powerful Central Computer that takes care of the advanced data processing stuff so you wouldn’t need a supercomputer at home to run all the complicated programs that would keep track of everything and figure out the best way to automate your house the data would just be sent to that remote computer over the Internet which would process it and then send instructions back to your devices but even with enough computer power for a connected system you still need to design the software capable of automating an entire house we have assistance on smartphones but they’re not that great they’re only Built to understand certain types of commands and they still get confused a lot to make that perfect virtual Butler will need advances in two fields of computer science natural language processing and machine learning natural language processing is centered around designing program that can understand us the way we naturally speak that means your smart home would have to understand original sentences their context words with different meanings and all of the other things that make up language but because language is so complicated we probably won’t have computers that can do that perfectly for quite a while one thing that could help though is machine learning where computers gather data and teach themselves so instead of programming a billion words and grammar rules into a smart home the software could just teach itself what to do devices all over the world would collect data on the commands people gave them and then adapt their programming and algorithms in response you probably already have an assistant on your phone that uses a version of this that’s how it learns things like new slang or fashion trends we just of course have not gotten to the point where they can learn to understand us perfectly and honestly I don’t understand what people are talking about these days sometimes with more advanced machine learning your home could figure out how to answer every question you could possibly ask it based on the data it collected it could just learn whether to only suggest dinner recipes after 5 PM or only Brew decaf coffee the afternoon so if you ever wanted a virtual Butler waiting on you hand and foot there’s still hope finally and maybe most importantly your smart home would need to be Totally Secure besides having routers or other devices to protect your Wi-Fi network from snoopers the devices in your home would need to be able to shut down attacks everything connected to the internet would be an access point for the rest of your wireless network so hackers could use something like say a smart fish tank to get to the rest of your accounts and passwords which sounds ridiculous but that’s exactly what happened to a casino last summer a perfect smart home would need to be protected against both current attacks and any vulnerabilities that are discovered after the appliances are built not all companies think about that when they’re building something small like a fish tank so everyone would have to get on board and your house would still need to protect itself even if the company that made your devices went out of business or stopped updating its software like you shouldn’t need to buy a brand new fridge after a year because this startup that built it went under and there’s a new virus going around get that perfect smart home security we need to figure out ways to keep updating all of our appliances no matter how small and to make sure those updates are sustainable in the long run perfect smart buildings will transform Our Lives someday from how we live to how we shop to how we do our jobs but there are a lot of developments in computer science to be made before that can happen so for now our technology isn’t quite perfect yet but we’re getting there with all these Gadgets in your home it could be a while until you need to talk to another person and some people want their home to be a peaceful secluded Oasis but others want a home to be right in the middle of the hustle and bustle they want a shoebox in the big city with all the excitement of never knowing who they’ll meet on the streets if you’re having trouble pinpointing where your home Falls along that Spectrum it may be because cities are hard to Define but we took a stab at it in this episode of the scishow tangents podcast hello and welcome to scishow tangents is the lightly competitive science knowledge showcase I’m your host Hank Green and joining me this week as always is science expert sari Riley hello and our resident every man Sam Schultz hello now as always we introduced this week’s topic with the traditional science poem this week is gonna be from me a collection of people just a few is definitely not anything new and a few more than that and then again that’s a very old Trend multiply that by a dozen and see it’s starting to look a bit weird to me and multiply that again by ten thousand and two that’s something that’s entirely new it can be pretty or gritty but not itty bitty you can pack us together and you get a city a city that clings to the side of a hill a city that’s home to a lumber mill a city that needs a giant landfill a city that’s just Jacksonville that millions of people a city that’s millions of people reaching for something they can’t describe for thousands of years we’ve done this but still we do not know why that’s my city poem the city is probably not a thing that’s particularly easy to Define except that it is definitely a large Gathering of people who all live in one place yep but the the lines between it I often am not sure whether I live in a city for example they’re very blurry everyone it seems takes the I’ll I’ll know when I see it definition approach which you know we’ve done for plenty of episodes here because it’s easy you can say here’s the lime well it’s almost not hard because everybody agrees that nobody knows what a city is because it like it’s not like like one more person moved to town we officially are a city though I think in some places it is legally designated um but that’s just the law it’s complicated where people have to define a city for quantitative studies because you know us scientists we’ve got to be like we’ve got to set a threshold even if it’s arbitrary and then a bunch of people set different Thresh thresholds for laws and for studies and for oh yeah I don’t know mostly laws and then things get complicated so for example using different countries everyone has a different minimum population size to Define an urban area or a city so it can be like 200 in Denmark 2000 in Argentina 5000 in India 50 000 in Japan even a hundred thousand in China which are still like relatively small yeah well I mean Missoula is 70 000 and sometimes I straight call it a town yeah yeah usually it seems like from what I found across the internet and by that I mean a couple papers that I had time to look at uh is that statisticians generally have settled around uh at least 50 000 inhabitants but then also a certain density of that yeah you can draw a line that it has 50 000 people in it in any place with 50 000 people but it has to be around um 1 500 inhabitants per square kilometer just not too too densely packed I don’t have a sure comparison for that but it seems like the the definition of City versus Town versus Village or whatever is people the density of the people and then you can start layering on other sociological ends other Concepts like building structure cultural behavioral approach like the the diversity in languages that you find in an area are you going to classify it as a city but number one are the easiest one to but then there’s also like the reality that that’s a lot of cities were used to be like a bunch of smaller towns and they just got sort of like smooshed into one yeah and you know you like you la is this way where it’s Los Angeles but then it’s like lots they used to be lots of different Pockets that just all got connected together and and now at what point does it is it not Los Angeles anymore like is the and and there are even places like there’s in Holdings in La like I feel I think I don’t know which one it is but there are little places that are like oh we’re not La we’re entirely surrounded by La but we’re not the Vatican situation but it’s Burbank yeah that’s it instead of the Pope it’s Rhett and Link yeah so I don’t know when when that comes so a lot of languages only have a couple words for cities too it’s like you got the big one and you got the small one and English has three like City Town Village I would have guessed we had more we have we have more I guess yeah okay burrow before we get too deep it’s time for us to move on to the quiz portion of our show are you ready to be quizzed yes it’s gonna be uh a city’s true family life can be tough in the big city and it can require lots of changes and adaptations for humans but also for animals so scientists have been studying City animals leading to some very educated hypotheses and conclusions about how our habits and buildings have changed our animal neighbors the following are three possible Tales of city-based animal Evolution but only one of them is rooted in actual scientific fact you’re gonna have to tell me which one story number one Summers can make city streets unbearably hot of course but alas Animals still find themselves needing to hit that pavement so in San Juan the Puerto Rican crested anole or anole has been adapting its lizard body to deal with that heat by growing an additional layer of skin on its feet that Shields it from all that heat on the pavement hot foot but that might not be the true fact it might be Story number two one of the first things about going to a new city is that you got find some new places to eat but all that food can be overwhelming to both our choices and our bellies to make good use of discarded takeout food throughout New York City white-footed mice have upgraded their metabolism with genetic changes that make them better able to digest fatty foods but that also might be a lie and it might be this one story number three and a City full of crowds and noise it can be hard to stand out but everybody’s still looking for love which means that everybody’s also looking for clever strategies to get a date even if they are birds in the city of Leiden great tits make their songs stick out to potential mates by developing new Melodies that are actually copied from popular hits that can be heard on radios throughout the city so is it Story number one lizards developing pavement protective Paws Story number two Pizza mice or Story number three great tits cover human songs to stand out in the crowd for the first one lizards developing a little hot feet hot feet that makes sense I think it does make sense yeah it does get hot you get you can’t have shoes they can’t buy lizard shoes in this economy no way no but you can walk around and just get thicker skin I can’t think of any compelling reason I could that wouldn’t be it well there are there are two two other options it could be oh okay so that’s that’s the main one what about pizza mice Sam I feel like you have their genome is changed to allow them to better digest fatty foods so like mice might traditionally eat grain but now they eat a lot of cheese and Etc just like fettuccine alfredo bacon well prosciutto all those big city Foods they’re hanging out at the Olive Garden well my first thought was that white footed mice aren’t real is that are they no they’re real oh okay well that blows out of the water lizards I don’t know how to say it I like a null better so I’d like to motion it be a Knoll oh Jay says a noble a no oh that sounds like a pasta though [Laughter] anole Alfredo that was my Italian accent shockingly mine was a little better than yours [Laughter] okay well then the third one the tits the tips um singing the pop songs I would say I don’t think they’re they’re known to be one of the birds that talk of Sam’s mythical dreams I don’t I don’t know if they they have enough mimicry and I guess with with enough Urban exposure the question is do y’all know enough about great tits to know whether they’re good at mimicking I don’t even know what they look like and I’m too afraid to Google it no they’re just like a little normal little bird they look kind of yeah they look like normal little birds okay like if you pictured a quintessential bird in a picture book they look like that I think they’ll go like that that’s a great tip yeah no on a Google great tip just now and it is all birds those little guys without mimicking anything they’re just going their heads are too small to keep all that stuff in their brain to mimic it uh I’m gonna go with pizza mice because I think I like the little Ratatouille it’s Ratatouille in real life he beats this while you were talking I came around on the pizza Mouse thing I think that is the one it is because you said the thing about the they were eating gray and now they’re eating cheese I feel like that makes sense to me and they probably can like change really quickly they’re genomes right isn’t that something mice can do something that happens too it’s Evolution yeah and it is I think they probably still all species like that they’re like I need to eat this cheese right away it doesn’t seem to be some indication that certain animals can evolve faster than others which is very interesting and something that maybe should also go on my scishow list if cheese is on the line you’re evolving well so just fast Generations they make a lot of babies really fast so I will say but lizards also make a lot of babies and uh nobody’s buying your lizard story Hank come on we’re going with pizza rat well researchers have found that the Puerto Rican crested and oil has been adapting its feet to City Life by making them better able to climb buildings so now you’re right [Laughter] it turns out that like buildings are smoother than the stuff that those anoles would or anolis would normally climb in nature and so they have adapted their feet to be better able at climbing smooth buildings but Pizza rat or pizza Mouse is true a paper published in 2017 compared white-footed mice living in Parks inside New York City to white-footed mice living in Parks outside the city and the research sequenced their genetic material and they found that in general the city mice had changes in genes that help digest and metabolize lipids and carbohydrates the interesting thing here is that scientists working on this paper disagree about what could be driving the changes at least as of 2017 when the paper was published one of them thought the changes might be due to the types of plants and insects available in the City versus uh not city parks whereas the other went with the cheeseburger hypothesis where the idea is that the mice are adapting to fatty foods that are in the trash which honestly that makes a lot more sense yeah but uh figuring out the actual reason is going to require a little more study he had a bug in front of you and a chicken strip or whatever I mean God there’s so much food inside of uh adjusting a quarter of a hamburger yeah but the great tits this is actually actually really interesting too they were not mimicking songs but they did adjust their songs in different parts of the city based on the way that noise travels so there’s places where there are a lot of ambient noise which is lower frequency and in those places the tits sang higher frequency songs to be heard over that noise than in places where uh there wasn’t as much of that rumbly bumbly noise they were doing some Sound Engineering just like our friend tuna made by frequencies pop tuna yeah yeah great tit oh boy our homes exist in many diverse kinds of communities they’re also often home to residents of diverse ages and stages of life if your home happens to include any younger science enthusiasts they might enjoy our scishow kids video about how animals manage to find their way home we’re so happy that you have found your way home to scishow today thanks for watching any and all of our channels [Music] thank you | [音乐] 到某个家就是 你从哪里来 在其他 流行的社交媒体平台上,所以这个 Sideshow 合集包括来自不同 scishow 频道 和平台的视频,探索 我们人类看待家的一些不同方式,并且有很多不同的方式, 有些人甚至生活在我们的 家乡星球之外,所以首先 up 我们打电话 给我们的一位 scishow 太空主持人阅读 解释我们 在宇宙的其他任何地方安家是多么困难 新的船员 每隔几个月就会到达国际空间站所以 看起来我们已经有了 整个生活在 轨道上的事情都弄清楚了,但是美国的 第一个空间站在 发射时解体了,机组人员叛逆并 在美国宇航局拯救它之前坠毁回到地球它的 名字是天空实验室和太空 计划 rldwide 从住在船上的三名宇航员那里学到了很多关于如何 让宇航员快乐健康和 富有成效的知识 人类的第一个 空间站是 苏联于 1971 年发射的溶质空间站,但任务遇到了 一些问题,溶质空间站于 当年晚些时候脱离轨道 两年后,只有一名 机组人员登上 了飞船,美国加入了 Skylab 的游戏, Skylab 于 1973 年 5 月 14 日发射 。Skylab 是土星 4B 火箭 助推器,经过改装,宇航员 可以住在里面,它 比以前太空中的任何东西都要宽敞 给 宇航员提供洗澡睡觉的空间 做 实验并真正体验 微重力 在不受保护的宇宙飞船中进入瑞士 奶酪, 但当它发射了一个 shie 时,任务开始了一个艰难的开始 lds 掉下来,撕掉了 一个太阳能电池板阵列并卡住了 另一个 那个月晚些时候,美国宇航局不得不弄清楚 如何在几次太空行走 的过程中对轨道上的东西进行大修 宇航员修复 了堵塞的太阳能电池板并部署了一个 明亮的橙色遮阳板来冷却 内部美国宇航局从中学到了很多东西 第一次大型太空维修,这 绝对不是最后一次 此类维修,例如,国际空间站需要定期 维修,而哈勃太空望远镜 的镜子有故障,需要 在太空中修复后才能拍摄 清晰的照片,一旦它们 适合居住 天空实验室的第一批工作人员跳上 船,开始做生意,或者说 他们真的开始做科学 了 在天空实验室进行了 80 多项实验, 包括生物物理和 高中生提出的天文学实验, 但也 有专业科学家的实验, 如阿波罗望远镜山,它 首先检测到日冕中的孔洞之类的东西, 它是 国际空间站太阳仪器的前身,可以监测 太阳的亮度和强度,可以 影响地球上这里的气候 NASA 想知道的另一件事是 人们的身体对一次 在太空中停留数周或数月的反应如何解决 一个人的船员在太空中呆了 23 天,这在当时是一项世界纪录, 但天空实验室的每个船员 打破 了这一记录,最后一名宇航员 在轨道上度过了整整 84 天,并 在微重力环境中度过了如此长的时间 NASA 可以看到骨密度和 体重减轻的证据,这是因为 宇航员的身体不必 与重力和其他压力作斗争 现在宇航员 在太空中进行某些定期练习来解决 这个问题,但太空机构 仍在研究 保持 健康的方法 skylab 的最后一批机组人员于 1973 年 11 月发射升空。 空间站进入轨道仅几个月后, 他们就与老板关系不和, 他们隐瞒自己在太空中生病, 当你不这样做时,这是不可以的 他们 无法获得医疗保健,他们 也因 16 小时的漫长工作日而筋疲力尽, 因此他们不可能 完成他们被命令完成的所有任务 最终他们反抗 关闭与 NASA 的所有通信 一天只是为了放松 当然,美国宇航局 对此并不高兴, 这些宇航员都没有再去过太空 ,但这次事件也教会了美国宇航局 一些重要的教训,在太空工作 可能会很慢,特别是对于 以前没有去过那里的宇航员来说,你 不能治疗人类 像机器人一样,未来的 宇航员得到了更加平衡的 时间表,但 在 1974 年宇航员返回地球后,天空实验室一直空无一人 。 1977 年或 1978 年,但该计划被 推迟了,而且他们忽略了研究人员 关于更多太阳活动的预测,这些活动 使地球的大气层膨胀到足以 使 Skylab 开始下降 ,直到 NASA 考虑派 航天飞机将 Skylab 推入更高的 稳定轨道时,这还不够 1979 年 7 月 11 日无人居住 五年多的天空实验室重新 进入大气层并在 澳大利亚和印度洋上空解体天空实验室 为 和平号和国际空间站等 未来空间站奠定了基础 一段 时间并做重要的 科学研究,只要你给他们 时间休息当然, 所以对我们人类来说,家通常 在地球上的某个地方,但这仍然 为你的家留下了很多选择, 你可以拥有一个 极简主义的家 充满小玩意的 家庭或室内植物覆盖了每 平方英寸的地方,并且有 一些研究支持 室内植物是最常见的观点 不仅仅是装饰, 它们可能会让您的家更快乐 ,这是来自 scishow psych 频道的心理学原理 Instagram 到处都是看似快乐的 植物所有者,他们种植多肉植物和 爱树木,您甚至可能看到 当地的植物商店将他们的商品宣传 为减压室友和 事实上,有一些证据表明 室内植物对您的心理 健康有益 只是不太清楚为什么 我们几十年来一直在研究室内植物如何 让我们在各种 不同的室内环境中感受,但 一些最有力的证据表明 室内 植物可以改善心理健康 来自医院,例如 2009 年的一项研究着眼于 植物和花卉的存在如何影响 医院内 90 名痔疮切除术患者的康复 ,这 听起来像是你生命中的一段时光 周围有一个植物朋友可能还不错 他们发现 在有植物的房间里的病人确实 更好 血压较低 ,他们报告的疼痛焦虑和 疲劳较少 患者还表示,这些 植物帮助他们放松,减少 焦虑,让他们 对医院工作人员的 照顾感到更积极, 领导这项研究的研究人员发现了类似的情况 阑尾切除术和甲状腺切除术患者房间内植物 的结果以及这些医院 研究并没有告诉我们很多关于 为什么会发生这种效果的原因,只是 研究人员似乎试图 通过观察 植物来更深入地研究机制 办公室等其他室内环境 和这些研究似乎 支持植物可以 对我们的情绪产生积极影响的观点,但数据开始 变得有点模糊,其中一个大 问题是植物是否会影响 特定的认知过程, 从而让我们感觉更好 我们的精神负担或只是 普遍减轻压力一些心理学家 认为室内植物和其他 生物 基于 注意力恢复理论的想法具有恢复作用 根据该理论, 自愿注意是 那些本质上并不 吸引人但必须集中注意力的事情所需要的注意力 是有限的,但如果你 能停止如此努力地关注你的事情 可以给你的大脑时间来补充 它的注意力储备,而植物可能会 帮助你做到这一点,因为它们 本身就很有趣,所以你 不必强迫自己去注意 它们一个研究小组发现, 在房间里种植植物确实有助于 34 学生 参与者 在校对任务后提高了他们的注意力,但 他们认为这可能是 因为植物让房间感觉 更舒适并 总体上降低了参与者的压力水平, 而不是具有真正的恢复 作用,并且有充分的理由 怀疑 植物的存在 就像在 2013 年的 一项研究中一样令人放松 18 名测试参与者报告 在 有植物的办公环境中比没有植物的 空间更舒适 即使放松的效果 是真实的并且直接由 植物本身引起它仍然没有告诉 我们植物的什么让我们感到 压力减轻 研究人员在 2013 年的研究中 问道 参与者说出他们 在颜色气味和植物大小方面的偏好, 并发现该小组 喜欢小型全绿色淡淡香味的 植物,因此可能是那些 看到小块绿色 或闻到生物气味的感官体验以某种方式 引发放松,但不幸的是 研究 试图 弄清楚到底是颜色、三维 形状、气味还是 植物的某些其他方面真正重要 对植物的情绪和心理反应, 而这些结果 在 其主观测量的研究中相对一致 确保容易出现 各种偏见,将精神 状态与生理变化等更客观的措施联系起来 充其量是棘手的 许多研究着眼 于大脑部分血液氧合的变化, 例如这些研究的参与者 佩戴了一种特殊的传感器,该传感器使用 光谱学来测量 近红外 光吸收 您会看到红细胞 在携带大量氧气时吸收光的方式不同, 并且由于 大脑中的氧合作用和血流 与神经活动有关,因此这项 测量可能会让研究 人员了解大脑的反应 根据 不同的条件,但研究经常会 得到令人困惑的结果,例如在 2016 年的 一项研究中,研究人员让 24 名 20 多岁的男性观察活植物或 空花箱三分钟, 之后科学家检测到 右前额叶皮层的血液氧合减少 与 感觉更舒适和 放松的报告齐头并进的植物观察组 通过观察植物,你 可能会认为较少的前额皮质 氧合等于更放松 的心态,但 2015 年的另一项研究 发现, 当 18 名 参与者观看真正的植物而 不是植物时,左右前额皮质的血液氧合显着增加 它的投影图像这种 缺乏一致性表明 理清生理和心理反应之间的相关性是多么困难 ,一些 研究人员一直批评 研究方法正在研究 室内植物对总体情绪的影响 2009 年对 21 的回顾 研究 对该领域的许多方法提出了质疑, 包括研究通常 使用小样本,您不会 期望室内植物的影响 如此巨大,如果 从统计角度来看它们的影响很小, 您需要 大量 参与者以类似方式捡起它们 他们批评 植物存在方式的差异 在不同的 研究中,植物的类型大小和位置 以及暴露的持续时间 都有很大差异,这 使得结果难以比较, 但审稿人确实认为 室内植物是否会 影响我们的心理健康这个问题值得 研究 所以他们 为未来的实验提出了一些建议, 其中包括实施更 系统的方法来接触植物 ,并确保研究 植物的恢复作用实际上 让参与者做了一些 足以需要恢复的事情,所以 即使我们已经研究了 几十年 我们似乎仍然不 明白为什么我们会 在医院等地方看到植物的积极影响, 或者结果是否意味着室内植物可以增强 您的脑力或改善您 的总体心理健康,但看看 这些植物在您办公桌上和您身边的情况 只要您不对沙发 过敏或 所以如果你 觉得你的世界更美好,当你的 办公桌或客厅看起来 有点像丛林时,你就会这样做, 不管你在家里放了什么, 它们几乎都有相同的 目的,因为你的家是一个避难所,但是 在不久的将来,您的家可能会配备更多功能 这是 我们离完美智能家居 有多近 现在有各种各样的东西可以 连接到互联网,从 智能冰箱可以告诉 您食物何时过期到办公室灯, 您可以 关闭你的智能手机 这个智能 设备集合被称为物 联网它正在改变我们经营我们的家庭 商店甚至餐馆的方式但有一天 它可能能够 在你看到的未来完美自动化 智能家居中做更多事情 在漫画书和 科幻小说中,房子基本上是自己运行的, 它随时都知道你需要什么 ,还有一个 可以回答问题和控制 应用程序的虚拟助手 联盟我们还没有完全实现,但 可以 做所有这些事情的智能建筑的未来并不 像你想象的那么遥远 ,我们需要首先开发几种主要技术 ,好消息 我们是否 正在努力 为真正的智能家居找出它们,您需要一个 足够强大的系统来使您的所有设备保持 完美同步 彼此通信并了解 房子周围发生的事情,所以当您的智能 闹钟在早上关闭,它 可能会打开客厅的灯, 开始煮一壶咖啡,然后将 电视调到您最喜欢的频道,但该 系统还需要足够先进 ,才能知道您的室友是否 已经起床观看 电视所以它 不会改变频道这样的系统 需要一些强大的 硬件和厨房柜台上的一个小扬声器 目前 不会削减它但是 大多数智能设备已经 连接起来很好 d 到远程更强大的 中央计算机,负责 高级数据处理工作,这样你 就不需要在家里使用超级计算机来 运行所有复杂的程序, 这些程序可以跟踪所有事情并 找出使你的房子自动化的最佳方法 数据只会 通过 Internet 发送到远程计算机 进行处理,然后将 指令发送回您的设备,但 即使有足够的计算机能力来 连接系统,您仍然需要 设计能够 使整个房子自动化的软件,我们有 帮助 在智能手机上,但它们并 没有那么好,它们只是为了 理解某些类型的命令而构建的, 它们仍然很困惑,无法 做出完美的虚拟管家,需要 在计算机 科学、自然语言处理和 机器学习自然语言这两个领域取得进展 处理以设计 能够以我们自然说话的方式理解我们的程序为中心, 这意味着您的智能 ho 我将不得不理解原始 句子、它们具有不同含义的上下文单词 以及 构成语言的所有其他事物,但是由于 语言是如此复杂,我们可能 在相当长的一段时间内都没有可以完美做到这一点的计算机有一 件事可以提供帮助 尽管机器 学习是计算机收集数据并自学的地方,但软件 无需 将十亿个单词和语法 规则编程到智能家居中,而是可以自学 该做什么 ,世界各地的设备都会 收集有关人们给它们的命令的数据 ,然后 调整他们的编程和 算法作为回应你可能 已经在你的手机上安装了一个 使用这个版本的助手这就是 它如何学习新俚语或 时尚趋势之类的东西我们当然还 没有达到他们可以 学会理解我们的地步 老实说,我不明白 这些天人们在谈论什么,有时 使用更先进的机器 lea 住在你 家可以根据它收集的数据找出如何 回答你可能提出的每一个问题 它可以 知道是只 在下午 5 点之后建议晚餐食谱还是只 在下午冲泡无咖啡因咖啡,所以如果你 想要一个虚拟管家 手脚并用地等着 你 最后还有希望,也许最重要的是你的 智能家居需要完全 安全,除了有路由器或其他 设备来保护你的 Wi-Fi 网络 免受窥探者你家里的设备 需要能够关闭 向下 攻击 连接到互联网的所有东西都 将成为 您无线网络其余部分的接入点,因此 黑客可以使用诸如智能鱼缸之类的东西 来访问 您的其余帐户和密码,这听起来 很荒谬,但这正是 发生在 去年夏天的赌场,一个 完美的智能家居需要受到 保护,免受当前的攻击 和 在应用程序之后发现的任何漏洞 并非所有公司 在建造像鱼缸这样的小东西时都会考虑到这一点, 因此每个人都 必须参与进来, 即使制造您设备 的公司倒闭或您的房子仍然需要保护自己 停止更新其 软件,就像 一年后您不需要购买全新的冰箱一样, 因为构建它的这家初创公司倒闭了, 并且有一种新病毒四处传播 获得完美的智能家居安全性,我们需要 想办法继续更新所有 我们的电器,无论多小 ,并确保这些更新 从长远来看是可持续的,完美的 智能建筑总有一天会改变我们的生活, 从我们的生活方式到我们的 购物方式再到我们的工作方式,但 在计算机方面有很多发展 在此之前要进行科学开发,所以 目前我们的技术还不是很完美 ,但是我们正在 为您家中的所有这些小工具实现这一目标 可能需要一段时间才能实现 与另一个人交谈,有些人希望 他们的家是一片宁静、隐蔽的 绿洲,但另一些人希望家就 在喧嚣的中心, 他们希望在大城市里有一个鞋盒, 带着永远不知道自己是谁的兴奋 如果 你无法确定你的 家落在那个光谱上的位置,我们会在街上见面,这可能是 因为城市很难定义,但我们 在 scishow tangents 播客的这一集中试了一下 你好,欢迎收看 scishow tangents is 竞争激烈的科学 知识展示 我是主持人 Hank Green,本周加入我的 行列是科学专家 Sari Riley 你好, 我们的住院医生 Sam Schultz 你好, 现在我们一如既往地介绍了本周的 主题和传统科学诗歌 是 会是我 的一群人,只有几个人 绝对不是什么新鲜事, 比这多一些,然后再一次,这是一个 非常古老的趋势,将其乘以一打, 然后看到它是 对我来说开始看起来有点奇怪然后再乘以 一万零二 这是全新的东西它可以很漂亮或 坚韧不拔但不是很小你可以把 我们打包在一起你会得到一个城市 一个紧贴着的城市 一座小山 一个拥有木材厂的城市 一个 需要巨大垃圾填埋场的城市 一个 只有杰克逊维尔 的城市 有数百万人 一个有数百万人的城市 几千年来他们无法描述的东西 我们已经 做到了 但是 我们仍然不知道为什么 那是我的城市 诗城市可能不是一个 特别容易定义的东西,除了 它绝对是一 大群人都住在一个地方是的, 但我经常不确定它之间的界限 例如,我是否住在一个城市,他们都非常模糊,每个人 似乎都需要我会知道,当我看到它时,我会知道 定义方法,你 知道我们已经在这里做了很多剧集 ,因为你可以很容易地说 这是 吨 他很好,这几乎 不难,因为每个人都同意, 没有人知道城市是什么,因为 它不像另一个人 搬到城里,我们正式是一个城市, 虽然我认为在某些地方它是 合法指定的, 嗯,但这只是 法律 它很 复杂,人们必须 为定量研究定义一个城市,因为 你知道我们科学家,我们必须 像我们必须设定一个阈值, 即使它是任意的,然后一群 人为法律和 用于研究,哦,是的, 我主要不了解法律,然后事情 变得复杂,例如,使用 不同的国家/地区,每个人都有 不同的最小人口规模来 定义市区或城市,因此 丹麦可能有 200 人,阿根廷可能有 2000 人 印度有 5000 人,日本有 50 000 人,甚至 中国有 10 万人,这 仍然相对 较小 似乎从我 在互联网上找到的东西来看,我的意思是 我有时间看的几篇论文, 嗯, 统计学家通常已经定居 在至少 50 000 名居民周围, 但也有一定的密度, 是的,你可以画出 一条线路, 它在任何有 50,000 人的地方都有 50,000 人,但它必须是 每平方公里大约 1,500 名居民, 只是不要太 密集 我对此没有确定的 比较,但看起来 城市与城镇与 村庄的定义或任何 人的定义 人的密度 然后你可以开始在其他 社会学方面分层 其他概念,如建筑结构 文化行为方法,如 你在一个地区发现的语言多样性 将它 归类为一个城市,但第一个是 最容易归类的,但也有这样一个 现实,那就是很多城市 过去就像一堆小城镇 ,他们 j 有点像 被挤成一团 是的,你知道你喜欢你 la 是洛杉矶的这种方式, 但后来就像很多人一样,他们曾经是 很多不同的口袋,只是全部 连接在一起,现在是 什么时候呢 它 不再是洛杉矶了吗,甚至还有一些 地方,比如 洛杉矶的 Holdings 完全被 La 包围,但 我们不是梵蒂冈的情况, 但它是 Burbank 是的,不是教皇,是 Rhett 和 Link 是的,所以我不知道什么时候 会出现,所以很多语言 只有几个词 城市也是, 就像你有大的,你有 小的,英语有三个,就像 城市城镇村庄 我猜我们有更多我们有 我们有更多我想 是的好吧 在我们变得太深 之前挖洞是时候了 继续 我们节目的测验部分,你真的吗 dy to be quizzed yes it’ll be uh 一个城市真正的家庭 生活在大城市里可能很艰难,它 可能需要对人类和动物进行大量的改变和 适应, 所以科学家们一直在研究 城市动物,从而得出一些非常有 根据的假设和 关于我们的习惯和建筑物如何 改变我们的动物邻居的结论 以下是三个可能的 城市动物进化故事,但其中只有 一个植根于实际的科学 事实你必须告诉我 萨默斯能说出哪一个故事第一 当然,这会使城市街道热得难以忍受, 但唉,动物们仍然发现自己 需要在人行道上行走,所以在 圣胡安,波多黎各的有冠变色蜥蜴或 变色蜥蜴一直在调整它的蜥蜴身体 ,通过 在它的脚上长出一层额外的皮肤来应对这种热量 保护它免受 人行道热脚上的所有热量,但这可能 不是真实的事实,它可能是 故事二,关于 g 的第一件事 去一个新的城市就是你找到了 一些新的吃饭的地方但是所有的食物 都会让我们的选择 和我们的肚子不知所措充分利用 整个纽约市丢弃的外卖食物 白脚老鼠已经 升级了他们的新陈代谢 基因 变化使他们能够更好地 消化脂肪食物,但这也可能 是一个谎言,这可能是这个故事的 第三个和一个充满人群 和噪音的城市很难脱颖而出, 但每个人都在寻找爱情 这意味着 每个人都在 寻找聪明的策略来 约会,即使他们是 莱顿市的鸟类 大山雀 通过开发新的旋律来吸引潜在的伴侣, 这些旋律 实际上是从流行歌曲中复制的,这些旋律 可以在整个收音机中听到 city so is it 故事一蜥蜴 发展路面保护爪子 故事二披萨老鼠或 故事三大山雀翻唱人类 歌曲在人群中脱颖而出 r 第一个蜥蜴有点 热脚 热脚是有道理的 我认为这确实 有道理 四处走走 ,只是让皮肤变厚 我 想不出任何令人信服的理由 我 可以 那不是很好 还有 两个其他选择它可能哦 好吧 这就是主要的 比萨老鼠怎么样 Sam I 感觉 他们的基因组发生了变化,使他们能够 更好地消化脂肪类 食物,就像老鼠传统上可能吃 谷物,但现在他们吃很多奶酪 等,就像意大利细面条阿尔弗雷多培根以及意大利熏火腿一样, 他们经常去的所有大城市食物 在橄榄园 井,我的第一个想法是白 脚老鼠不是真的是它们是 不是它们是真的哦好吧好吧那 是从水蜥蜴中吹出来的 我不知道怎么说我更 喜欢 null 所以我想 示意它是 Knoll oh Jay 贵族说不 哦,虽然听起来像意大利面 [笑声] anole Alfredo 那是我的意大利口音, 令人震惊的是我的口音比你的好一点 [笑声] 好吧,然后是第三个, 山雀提示, 我会唱流行歌曲 说 我不认为他们是众所周知 的谈论山姆神话梦想的鸟类之一 我不知道我不知道 他们是否有足够的模仿而且我 想如果有足够的城市曝光 这个问题 你们 对大山雀的了解是否足够了解它们是否 擅长模仿我什至不知道 它们长什么样而且我不敢用 谷歌搜索它不它们就像一只 普通的小鸟它们 看起来 是的,它们看起来像普通的小鸟 好吧,如果你 在图画书中描绘了一只典型的鸟, 它们看起来就像那样 所有的鸟,那些小家伙,没有 模仿他们只是去的任何东西 他们的脑袋太小了,无法将所有 这些东西都保存在大脑中以模仿它,呃, 我要和披萨老鼠一起去,因为我 想我喜欢小料理鼠王它 是现实生活中的料理鼠王他 在你说话的时候打败了我我来 了 披萨老鼠的事情我认为 是因为你 说过他们吃灰色的东西现在 他们吃奶酪我觉得这 对我来说很有意义他们可能 喜欢很快的变化他们是 基因组正确的 这不是老鼠 也能做的 事情 吗这是进化是的,我认为它们 可能仍然是所有物种, 它们就像我需要马上吃这种奶酪一样 ,这似乎没有 迹象表明某些 动物可以 比其他动物进化得更快,这非常 有趣, 如果 奶酪在线,你进化 得很好,也许也应该出现在 我的 scishow 列表上 蜥蜴也生了 很多孩子,嗯,没有人相信 你的蜥蜴故事,汉克,拜托, 我们要吃披萨鼠, 研究人员发现, 波多黎各冠毛和油蜥已经 通过使它们的脚更好地适应城市生活来适应城市生活 爬建筑物,所以现在 你是对的 [笑声] 事实证明,建筑物 比那些 anoles 或 anolis 在自然界中通常会爬的东西更光滑,所以他们已经调整了 他们的脚以更好地攀爬 光滑的建筑物但是 比萨 老鼠或披萨 老鼠是真的 2017 年发表的一篇论文将 生活在纽约 市内公园的白脚老鼠与生活在城外公园的白脚老鼠进行 了比较,研究 对它们的遗传物质进行了测序, 他们发现一般来说,城市老鼠 帮助消化 和代谢脂质和碳水化合物 的基因发生了变化 这里有趣的是, 从事这篇论文的科学家 不同意是什么驱动了 至少在 2017 年发表论文时发生了变化, 其中一个人 认为变化可能是由于 城市中可用的植物 和昆虫的类型而不是城市公园,而 另一个人则支持芝士汉堡 假设,其想法是 老鼠正在适应 垃圾桶里的高脂肪食物,老实说, 这更有意义是的,但是呃,要 弄清楚真正的 原因需要更多的研究,他 在你面前有一只虫子,还有一条鸡肉条 或其他任何东西 意味着上帝里面有这么多 食物呃调整四分之一 的汉堡包是的但是伟大的山雀 这实际上真的很 有趣他们也没有模仿歌曲但 他们 确实根据噪音的方式在城市的不同地方调整他们的歌曲 旅行,所以有些地方 有很多较低频率的环境噪音 ,在那些 地方,山雀会唱出频率更高的歌曲, 以便在噪音中听到 呃,那里没有那么多的 隆隆声,他们正在做一些 声音工程,就像我们的朋友 金枪鱼用频率流行金枪鱼做的一样, 是的,伟大的山雀, 哦,天哪, 我们的家存在于许多不同类型的 社区中,他们也经常在家 对于 不同年龄和生活阶段的居民, 如果您的家中恰好包括任何 年轻的科学爱好者,他们可能会 喜欢我们关于 动物如何设法找到回家路的 scishow 儿童视频, 我们很高兴您 今天找到回家的 scishow 路 感谢 收看我们所有的频道 [音乐] 谢谢 |
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