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thanks to lenode for supporting this episode of scishow you can go to scishow to learn more and get a 100 60 day credit on a new lenode account [Music] a lot of us think about science as a narrow top-down process where there are scientists and there are not scientists. scientists wear white coats, work in Labs , write a bunch of papers and then teach the rest of the non-scientists about it in a way that only someone with a degree in science could do, but there are a lot more ways that we can study the world around us and produce important knowledge. Often indigenous tribes, citizen scientists, volunteers or just everyday people living their lives and looking around them play a crucial role in driving academic inquiry and sometimes they’re even the ones making these discoveries way before the researchers do. So here are five instances where people just like you and me beat the scientists at their own game when it comes to collecting observational data on certain species of birds. YouTube creators have a feather in their cap there’s a group of birds called tits. yes really and tits build their nests using animal fur from a variety of sources with one study finding that tit nests contained fur from more than 20 species. The fur is a great insulator to keep their nests warm and it may strengthen the nests structurally or even deter Predators or parasites, but until recently no one had looked into how these birds collected that hair since researchers were fairly sure none of these birds were also Barbers. They assumed that the birds were gathering the fur from ground sheddings or from animal carcasses since doing so is low risk and high Harry reward , however it turns out that not only were these birds sourcing their Furs from live animals but the evidence that they do so has been available for years. A search on YouTube will pop up with dozens of videos of birds diving down and pulling hair directly from live animals, some of which were posted as far back as 2012. Often these videos show Birds stealing fur from sleeping dogs and cats and sometimes from potential Predators like foxes and raccoons. Most interesting of all, some show them stealing hair directly off of humans heads and some of them were even willing participants which if you ask me is kind of taking the whole sharing is caring idea little bit too far but videos like this inspired a group of researchers to classify this Behavior within the academic literature. They named The Practice kleptatriki which comes from the Greek words klepto to steal and trick hair while this may not be the first time anecdotal evidence has led to academic Publications. it’s the only one we know of where YouTube played a key role in the process now social media and video sharing websites aren’t the only ways that people have documented nature before researchers could get to it. As meteorologists have gotten better at predicting the occurrence of auroras more people have been able to take up Aurora hunting as a hobby armed with high resolution cameras to document what they see. Starting in 2015 photographers on the hunt for the northern lights in Alberta started noticing an unexpected pattern in the dancing lights. Instead of typical ribbons of green, blue, yellow or purple light these strange patterns look like long skinny Columns of mauvish light, sometimes accompanied by several short dashes of green. Although these were appearing on nights where auroras were more likely to occur, the photographers didn’t think that they were the same as a regular Aurora. These funky lights looked more like something called proton auroras which are more likely to occur at lower latitudes but are almost impossible to spot with the naked eye, so these photographers concluded that since these were neither true auroras nor proton auroras, the light show needed its own name and since the new phenomenon had no official name, the citizen scientists decided to call The Ark simply Steve. Hey you try naming a brand new astronomical phenomenon , eventually one of these photographers showed these pictures of Steve, no not that Steve, these pictures of Steve to researchers at Nasa and they launched a series of Investigations aimed at determining what exactly this beam of light was. It turns out that Steve is in part the end product of a long chain reaction between the Sun and the Earth’s magnetic field. Generally Auroras form when charged particles from the Sun collide with gases in the upper atmosphere causing electrons to rain down and producing the pretty waves of light that we all know, however subsequent investigations have determined that Steve is actually two separate phenomena occurring simultaneously, which makes it both in Aurora and not in Aurora. The green picket fence is a true Aurora created by electrons raining down from the Sun, however the colorful purple Arc comes from charged particles colliding in the upper atmosphere. The friction from these interactions heats the molecules and causes them to emit this beautiful wavy light much the same way electricity heats the filament inside an incandescent light bulb until it’s hot enough to Glow. The team of academics and citizen scientists decided to name the new phenomenon a strong thermal emission velocity enhancement or Steve for short as an homage to the original photographers who made the investigations possible through their documentation. All that said the next time a bunch of photographers discover something new in the sky here’s hoping they Workshop the name a little bit longer this next story is about a time where researchers thought they knew best but ended up eating some fruity Humble Pie the island of Borneo is in Southeast Asia Asia and is home to over 50 different ethnic groups of people two of these groups the iban and dusoon people recently shed light on a taxonomic mistake Western biologists had been making for almost 200 years the first researcher to document the plants in the region wrote about a tree he called ardocarpus odoratissimus they noted however that there was a lot of variety in this species of tree with some having larger leaves and sweeter fruit than others however the abon and dusum people who cultivated the trees used different words to refer to the two kinds of tree the abon people called the trees with larger fruits and leaves lumok and the ones with smaller less sweet fruits pin John to see if this linguistic difference would be represented in the DNA a team of researchers compared the genotypes of these trees and found that they were indeed genetically distinct species instead of varying members of a single species the authors note that the primary motivation for the genetic sequencing was the indigenous people’s linguistic specification and iban and dusun people were included in the study it seems like those who have cultivated and ate the plant for Generations knew much more than the botanists who occasionally came into the field who would have thought now when trying to piece together the lives and practices of people long gone we can sometimes turn to experimental archeology this often involves extensive research into the Technologies available to people at the time and an intimate knowledge of whatever literature is around which means that experimental archaeologists tend to be entrenched in their academic field of study but in 2008 a Baltimore hair stylist made waves among those who study ancient Rome when Janet Stevens first saw a bust of a Roman Empress at a Baltimore Museum she was captivated by the woman’s hairstyle in order to figure out how the ancient Romans did it she tried to recreate the ornate hairdo on her own but didn’t get very far at first it wasn’t until she tried sewing the braids of hair together with a needle and thread that she was able to replicate the empress’s look but to her surprise there was no mention of hair sewing in any research about Roman hair styling most archaeologists thought that these hairstyles were impossible to achieve with the wearer’s own hair and could only be created using wigs following a hunch Stevens decided to dig deeper and see if the archaeologists were missing something her research led her through 800 years of Roman texts describing various cosmetic practices leading her to spot something that may have gotten Lost in Translation during her research she noted that the Roman word akus was generally being translated by Scholars as a catch-all term for three distinct instruments a hair Bodkin a needle and thread and a hair curling iron she eventually found sources that referenced its translations specifically as the same instrument that cloth Menders used in effect a needle and thread which supported her claim that the Romans used sewing or weaving to create their elaborate hairdos and in order to demonstrate her Theory she reproduced several complex ancient Roman hairstyles using multiple types of hair Fasteners identified Roman artifacts that could have gotten the job done and even found historical cosmetic sets that included these same needles her research was published in the Journal of Roman archeology in 2008 making her only the second non-archaeologist to do so in the journal’s history the journal’s editor even said of her work I could tell even from the first version that it was a very serious piece of experimental archeology which no scholar who was not a hairdresser in other words no scholar would have been able to write but all that said the jury’s still out on whether the Roman will ever be the next big Trend in hair our last story isn’t a singular Discovery and instead shouts out one of the largest and most impactful citizen science projects out there which you can take part in too but before we get there a little background on how this project came to be right around the turn of the 20th century it was a popular tradition in the United States to engage in a Christmas side hunt during these hunts opposing groups of hunters would compete to see whose side could shoot the most animals usually birds and foxes however there was a young officer at the then fledgling Audubon Society named Frank Chapman who proposed an alternative to the hunt instead of shooting at Birds what if we counted them and so he organized the first ever Christmas bird census which took place in the year 1900 on Christmas Day 27 birders participated in various locations throughout the United States and Canada counting up a total of 90 bird species over a hundred years later the bird count lives on and the flock of bird brains participating has only grown for starters the count is now conducted over a three-week period from December 14th through January 5th and around 80 000 bird watchers sign up each year across Canada the United States Latin America the Caribbean and the Pacific Islands in the 2018-2019 count volunteers tallied more than 48 million birds from over 2 600 different species and these bird counts aren’t just for fun knowing what’s up with bird populations helps conservation efforts across the globe researchers conservation organizations and government agencies all use the database to assess bird populations and help guide conserve Innovation efforts to date the Audubon Society claims that their database has been cited in over 300 peer-reviewed articles all of which has come from the observations of Citizen scientists science is about so much more than sitting in a lab and writing up papers it’s a process and a way of thinking about the world and if you want to volunteer to do some science yourself you can sign up for the annual Christmas bird count using the link below but if you do find anything new out there maybe pick a better name than Steve so you too can be a scientist without the Hefty price tag of a formal academic degree and if the price tag is keeping you back from cloud computing as well you might check out lenode cloud computing pricing should not be a barrier to the endless online tools that cloud computing gives you access to that’s why lenode a cloud computing company from Akamai lets you pay for the services that you need without bundling them under an unattainable price tag their prices are transparent and all listed on their website so you know what you’re paying for and how much it costs before a single transaction that Tech helps you do things things like watch scishow for free because everyone should be able to enjoy seeing the world complexly and to make it even more affordable lenode is giving scishow viewers a 100 60 day credit on a new lenote account to get that credit just click the link in the description down below or go to thanks for watching and thanks to lenode for supporting this scishow video [Music] | 感谢 lenode 对这一集 scishow 的支持 ,你可以去 scishow 了解更多信息。每一个lenode新账户可获得60天有效100点积分 [音乐] 我们很多人认为科学是一个 狭窄的自上而下的过程,这里有 科学家,也有非科学家。 科学家穿白大褂在实验室工作, 写一堆论文,然后 以一种只有拥有科学学位的人才能做到的方式向其他非科学家传授这方面的 知识,但有很多 我们可以通过更多方式研究我们周围的世界 并产生重要 知识通常是土著部落 公民科学家志愿者或只是 过着自己的生活并 环顾四周的普通人在推动学术探究方面发挥着至关重要的作用 , 有时他们甚至是做出 这些发现的人 在 研究人员这样做之前,这里有五个 例子,在收集关于 cer 的观察数据时,像你我一样的人 在他们自己的游戏中击败了科学家 某种 鸟类 YouTube 创作者 的帽子上有一根羽毛 有一群 叫做山雀的鸟类 是的,山雀 使用各种来源的动物毛皮筑巢 ,一项研究 发现山雀巢中含有 来自 20 多种毛皮的毛皮 是一种 很好的绝缘体,可以让它们的巢穴保持温暖 ,它可以在 结构上加强巢穴,甚至可以阻止捕食者或 寄生虫,但直到最近还没有人研究过 这些鸟是如何收集 这些毛发的,因为研究人员相当 确定这些鸟中没有一只也是 他们认为的理发师 鸟类 从地面脱落物 或动物尸体上收集毛皮,因为这样做 风险低,哈利回报高, 但事实证明, 这些鸟类不仅从活体动物身上获取毛皮, 而且已经有证据表明它们 这样做了 多年以来, 在 YouTube 上搜索会弹出 数十个鸟类俯冲下来 并直接从 活体动物身上拔毛的视频。 f 早在 2012 年就发布了 。这些视频通常显示 鸟类从熟睡的狗 和猫身上偷毛,有时还从潜在的 捕食者如狐狸和浣熊 身上偷毛,其中最有趣的是它们 直接从人头上偷毛 ,其中一些是 即使是自愿的 参与者,如果你问我,这 有点让整个分享是关怀的 想法有点过头了,但像 这样的视频启发了一组研究人员 在学术文献中对这种行为进行分类, 他们将其命名为 The Practice kleptatriki,它 来自希腊语单词 klepto 窃取和 欺骗头发虽然这可能不是 第一次导致 学术出版物的轶事证据这是 我们所知道的唯一一个 YouTube 在这个过程中发挥关键作用的地方现在社交媒体和 视频共享网站不是唯一的 方式 人们 在研究人员能够接触到自然之前就已经记录了自然,因为 气象学家在 预测自然灾害的发生方面做得更好 uroras 从 2015 年开始, 越来越多的人能够将追寻 极光作为一种爱好,并配备了 高分辨率相机来记录 他们所看到的景象 在艾伯塔省寻找北极光的摄影师 开始注意到 舞动的灯光中出现了意想不到的图案,而不是 典型的彩带 绿色、蓝色、黄色或 紫色的光,这些奇怪的图案看起来 像瘦长的紫色 光柱,有时伴随着几条 短的绿色光柱,尽管 这些出现在 极光更有可能出现的夜晚,但 摄影师并不认为它们 是极光 与普通的极光一样,这些 时髦的光看起来更像是一种 叫做质子极光的东西,它更有 可能发生在低纬度地区, 但几乎不可能用肉眼发现, 所以这些摄影师 得出结论,因为这些光既不是 真正的极光也不是质子 极光 节目需要自己的名字, 因为新现象没有正式 名称 公民科学家决定 将方舟简单地称为史蒂夫,嘿,你尝试命名 一种全新的天文现象, 最终其中一位摄影师 向美国宇航局的研究人员展示了这些史蒂夫的照片,不,不是 那个史蒂夫 ,他们发起了 一系列调查,旨在 确定 这束 光究竟是什么事实证明,史蒂夫 部分是太阳和地球磁场之间长链反应的最终产物, 当来自太阳的带电 粒子与高层大气中的气体碰撞时,极光通常是极光的形式, 导致电子 下雨并产生我们都知道的漂亮的光波, 但是 随后的调查 确定史蒂夫实际上是 同时发生的两种独立现象 ,这使得它既在 极光中又不在极光中绿色 栅栏是由电子雨落下产生的真正的极光 来自太阳, 然而多彩的紫色电弧 来自带电粒子 les 在 高层大气中碰撞 这些相互作用产生的摩擦 会加热分子 并使它们发出这种美丽的波浪状 光 就像电 加热 白炽灯泡内的灯丝直到它热 到足以发光 学者和 公民科学家团队决定 将这种 新现象命名为强烈的热发射 速度增强或简称史蒂夫, 以向最初的 摄影师致敬,他们 通过他们的文件使调查成为可能 所有这些都说 下次一群摄影师 在天空中发现新事物时,希望 他们的工作室 这个名字有点 长,下一个故事是关于 一个研究人员认为他们最了解 但最终吃了一些水果 馅饼的时代婆罗洲岛位于东南亚 亚洲并且是 50 多个 不同种族的家园其中 两个 iban 和 dusoon 人 最近揭示了一个分类学 错误 Western 近 200 年来,生物学家一直 在研究该地区植物的第一位研究人员, 他写了一篇关于他称为 ardocarpus odoratissimus 的树的 文章 ,但他们注意到 这种树有很多种类,有些树的 叶子更大,果实更甜 其他人然而 ,种植这些树的 abon 和 dusum 人使用不同的 词来指代两种 树, abon 人称果实和叶子较大的树为 lumok,而 果实较小且不那么甜的树 pin John 看看是否存在这种语言 差异 会出现在 DNA 中 一组研究人员比较 了这些树的基因型,发现 它们确实是遗传上不同的 物种,而不是单一物种的不同成员 作者指出, 基因测序的主要动机 是土著人民的 语言规范 伊班人和 杜顺人也被纳入 研究 世世代代栽培 和食用这种植物的知识 远远超过 偶尔进入该领域的植物学家,他们 现在会想到,当我们试图 拼凑早已逝去的人们的生活和实践时 ,我们有时可以 求助于实验考古学,这 通常涉及对以下方面的广泛研究 当时人们可以使用的技术 以及对周围文学的深入了解, 这 意味着实验考古学家 往往在他们的学术 研究领域根深蒂固,但在 2008 年,巴尔的摩的一位 发型师在研究古罗马的人中掀起了波澜, 当时珍妮特史蒂文斯 第一次在巴尔的摩博物馆看到罗马女皇的半身像 她被 这个女人的发型迷住了,想 弄清楚古罗马人是怎么做的 她 试图自己重新制作华丽的发型, 但起初并没有走得太远 直到她尝试 用针 和线将头发的辫子缝在一起,她才能够 复制 女皇的样子,但令她 惊讶的是, 在任何关于罗马发型设计的研究中都没有提到头发缝制, 大多数考古学家认为 这些发型不可能 用佩戴者自己的头发来实现, 只能根据 史蒂文斯的直觉决定使用假发来制作 深入挖掘 ,看看考古学家 是否遗漏了什么她的研究使 她通过 800 年的描述各种美容做法的罗马文本, 使她发现了一些 可能在她的研究过程中在翻译中丢失的东西 她注意到罗马 词 akus 通常被翻译 学者们将其作为 三种不同乐器的统称,头发博德金 ,针线和 卷发器,她最终找到了 引用其翻译的来源,特别 是与 Cloth Menders 使用的相同乐器, 实际上是 支持她的针线 声称罗马人使用缝纫或编织来 创造他们精心制作的 h airdos, 为了证明她的理论,她 使用多种类型的头发复制了几种复杂的古罗马发型 紧固件确定 了可以完成工作的罗马文物, 甚至发现了 包含这些相同针头的历史化妆品套装,她的 研究发表在 Journal of 2008 年的罗马考古学,使她成为 该期刊历史上第二位这样做的非考古学家, 该期刊的编辑 甚至谈到她的作品,我什 至从第一版就可以看出,这是一个 非常严肃的实验 考古学,没有学者是 不是理发师,换句话说,任何学者 都无法写作,但所有 这些都表明, 对于罗马是否会成为头发的下一个 大趋势,陪审团仍然没有定论我们的最后一个故事不是一个 单一的发现,而是 大声疾呼 最大和最 有影响力的公民科学 项目,你也可以参与其中, 但在我们回到那里之前 基于这个项目是如何 在 20 世纪之交成为正确的 在这些狩猎期间进行圣诞节侧面 狩猎是美国 的一个流行传统 通常是鸟类和狐狸,但是 当时 刚刚起步的奥杜邦协会有一位名叫弗兰克 查普曼的年轻官员提出了一种 替代狩猎而不是射击鸟类的方法 ,如果我们计算它们会怎么样所以他 组织了有史以来第一次圣诞节鸟类 普查 1900 年的圣诞节,27 名观鸟者参加 了 美国和加拿大各地的活动,统计 了 90 种 鸟类的数量,一百多年后,鸟类数量继续存在, 参与的鸟脑群 只开始增长 计数 现在 从 12 月 14 日到 1 月 5 日为期三周 ,每年约有 80,000 名鸟类观察者报名参加 在 2018-2019 年的统计中,加拿大各地、 美国、拉丁美洲、加勒比海 和太平洋岛屿的 志愿者统计了 来自 2600 多个不同物种的超过 4800 万只鸟类 ,这些鸟类数量 不仅仅是为了好玩,了解鸟类 种群的最新情况有助于保护 全球范围内的研究人员 保护组织和 政府机构都使用该数据库 来评估鸟类种群并帮助 指导保护创新工作, 奥杜邦协会声称 他们的数据库已在 300 多篇同行评审文章中被引用,所有这些文章 都来自 公民科学家的观察 科学 不仅仅是坐在实验室里 写论文,它是一个过程和 一种思考世界的方式,如果 你想自愿做一些科学, 你可以报名参加一年一度的 圣诞鸟活动 使用下面的链接计数, 但如果你确实发现了任何新 的东西,也许会选择一个比史蒂夫更好的名字 o 你也可以成为一名科学家, 而无需支付高昂的正式 学位费用,如果价格标签也 让你远离云计算 ,你可以查看 lenode 云 计算定价不应该成为 无穷无尽的在线工具的障碍 云计算让您可以访问 这就是为什么 Akamai 的云计算 公司 lenode 让您为所需的服务付费, 而无需将 它们捆绑在无法达到的价格标签下 它们的价格是透明的,并且都 列在他们的网站上,因此您知道 您支付的是什么 Tech 帮助您做诸如免费观看 scishow 之类的事情 ,因为每个人都 应该能够享受复杂的世界 并使其更加 实惠 lenode 为 scishow 观众提供 100 60 天的信用,以及在单笔交易之前花费多少 在一个新的 lenote 帐户上获得该信用只需 单击下面描述中的 链接或转到 感谢 收看并感谢 lenode fo r 支持这个scishow视频 [音乐] |