

三、助词的用途Functions(一)助词不能单独充当句子成分。Particles can not be used alone as sentence elements. (二)助词总是附在别的词、词组后边或附在句末。例如:In a sentence, particles always occur after other words or phrases orat the end of a sentence. For example:奶奶的眼镜(附在名词后边)( attached to a noun)十分兴奋地谈论(附在词组后边)(attached to a phrase)说得流利(附在动词后边)( attached to a verb)保卫着祖国(附在动词后边)( ditto)他来吗?(附在句尾)( attached to a sentence)快走啊!(附在句尾)( ditto)

Grammatical features

二、助词的语法特点Grammatical features(一)没有实在意义。They do not have any concrete meaning.(二)不能单独使用。They cannot be used alone.(三)读轻声。They are read in the neutral tone.

Definition and types of particles

助词的定义和种类Definition and types of particles附在词、词组或句子后边,表示各种附加意义、语法关系或语气的词叫助词。助词可以分成三类。A word which is added to another word, a phrase or a sentence to indicate various supplementary meanings, grammatical relations or mood is called a particle. The particles can be divided into three kinds.(一)结构助词The structural particles附在词或词组后达边表示语法关系的助词叫结构助词。最常用的结构助词有:Particles added to words or phrases to indicate grammatical relations are called structural particles. The most …

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Points that merit special attention

四、使用连词时要注意的几个问题 Points that merit special attention (一)连词表示语法关系的种类 Conjunctions show types of grammatical relations 1.并列关系 Coordination 被连接的两个词、词组是平等的,不分主次,有时前后位置可 以互换,但意义不变。 The two joined words or phrases are equal to each other with neither being primary or secondary. Sometimes the order of the two parts can be reversed, though the meaning expressed remains the same. (1)连接名词、代词或名词性词组的连词有“和、跟、同、 与、及”。 Conjunctions joining …

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三、连词的用途Functions(一)不能单独充当句子成分。Conjunctions cannot serve as any sentence element.(二)连接词、词组或句子,表示一定的语法意义。例如:They are used to connect words, phrases or sentences to give certain grammatical senses. For example:医生和护士工作都很认真。(连接名词) ( connecting two nouns)我们讨论并且通过了这个改革方案。(连接动词) ( connecting two verbs)打排球或者踢足球,他都喜欢。(连接词组)( connecting two phrases) 要是你不能走路,就坐车。 (连接句子) ( connecting two sentences) 他不但喜欢画画儿,而且喜欢养花。 (连接句子) ( ditto)

Grammatical features

二、连词的语法特点Grammatical features不能单独使用,不能单独回答问题。Conjunctions can not be used by themselves, and they cannot be used alone to answer questions.(二)不能重叠。They cannot be reduplicated.(三)没有修饰作用,只有连接作用,表示各种意义上的语法关系。They are only connectives expressing different grammatical relationships and can never serve as modifiers.


一、连词的定义Definition连接两个词、词组或句子,表示并列、因果、条件、假设等语法关系的词叫连词。例如:A conjunction is a word, which can join two words, phrases or sentences to indicate the grammatical relation of coordination, causality, condition, supposition, etc. For example:表示并列的有:Indicating coordination:和 跟 同 与 及 并 而表示因果的有:Indicating causality :因为 所以 因此表示条件的有:Indicating condition:只要 只有 不管表示假设的有:Indicating supposition:如果 要是 假如 假设 假使表示推论判断的有:Indicating inference:既然 这样 那么表示转折的有:Indicating transition:虽然 但是 可是 不过表示让步的有:Indicating concession:即使 就是表示选择的有:Indicating alternative:还是 …

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Points that merit special attention

四、使用介词时要注意的几个问题 Points that merit special attention (一)几个介词的用法 Usage of several prepositions 1.“在”和宾语: E and its object; (1)介词“在”的宾语多表示处所。例如: The objects of the preposition 在 usually indicate locality. For example: 在北京学习 在球场比赛在学生宿舍休息在他家玩(2) 指人的名词或代词,不能单独充当介词“在”的宾语表示处所,后边一定要加上“这儿”或者“那儿”。例如:Nouns or pronouns denoting persons cannot be used independently as the object of the preposition to show locality. They must take 这儿 or 那儿,For example:在我这儿看电视 …

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