
Grammatical features

二、象声词的语法特点 Grammatical features (一)没有实在意义,只表示一种声音。 No onomatope has concrete meaning, it only indicates a sound. (二)可以修饰名词或动词。 An onomatope can modify a noun or a verb. (三)可以和数量词连在一起用。 An onomatope can work together with numerals. (四)有些象声词可以重叠。 Some onomatopes can be reduplicated.


象声词的定义Definition摹拟、表示物体或动作声音的词叫象声词。例如:An onomatopoeic word is one which imitates the sound of a thing or an action. For example:哗哗(流水声)(sound of water flowing)哈哈(笑声)( sound of laughter)叮当(金属、瓷器碰撞的声音)( clink of metal or porcelain ware)轰隆 (雷声、机器声、炮声)( sound of thunder, machine or artillery)呼呼(刮风声)(sound of wind)乒乓(打乒乓球的声音、形容枪声、比较清脆的声音) ( the sound of ping-pong ball, used to describe loud and clear sound, such as gun firing) …

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Points that merit special attention

四、使用叹词时要注意的几个问题 Points that merit special attention (一)每个叹词都表示一定的感情或声音,不能随便使用。 Each interjection expresses a certain feeling or imitates a certain sound, so it cannot be used indiscriminately. (二)几个常用叹词的用法 Usage of some interjections 1.“喂”用于接打电话时,例如: 喂is used when answering a phone call. For example: 喂,您哪里? 喂,您找谁? 2.“哎”用于熟人之间的呼唤或打招呼。例如: is used when friends say hello to each other. For example: 哎,你好! 哎,你去哪儿啊?等等我。 …

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三、叹词的用途 Functions (一)不充当句子成分。 They cannot be used as a sentence element.(二)独立于句子之外,表示呼唤、应答、惊讶或赞叹等。 例如: They are separated from the sentence, and indicate a call, a response, surprise or admiration, etc. For example: 喂!你是张明吗? (打电话时呼唤声) (to use during a phone conversation) 嗯!我知道了。 (表示答应) (a response) 哎呀,我的帽子呢? (表示惊讶) (indicating surprise) 啊!万里长城! (表示赞叹) (indicating admiration)

Grammatical features

二、叹词的语法特点 Grammatical features (一)没有实在的意义,只表示一种感情或一种使人注意的 声音。 No interjection has a concrete meaning. It only indicates a kind of feeling or a sound that draws attention. (二)独立性非常强,和句子其他部分没有结构上的关系。 Interjections are quite independent and have no grammatical relationships with other parts of the sentence. (三)一般出现在句子前边。 Interjections usually occur at the beginning of a sentence.


収词的定义 Definition 表示感叹或者呼唤应答的词叫叹词。例如: An interjection is a word which can express an exclamation, a call or a response. For example: 喂(wei) 嗯(n) 啊(a) 哎呀(diya) 噢(6) 峨(0)

Trace Gas Orbiter am Mars: Wasser im größten Canyon des Sonnensystems entdeckt | heise online Der Mars-Orbiter TGO der ESA hat im Canyon Valles Marineris direkt an der Oberfläche ein großes Wasservorkommen entdeckt. Das verdampft dort sonst meist. Das Valles Marineris Der Mars-Orbiter TGO der ESA hat am Boden des größten Canyons auf dem Mars “signifikante Mengen” von Wasser gefunden und das verantwortliche Forschungsteam überrascht. 条件从句Wenn bisher Wasser – …

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Points that merit special attention

四、使用助词时要注意以下几个问题Points that merit special attention(一)结构助词“的、地、得”The structural particles , and 141.结构助词“的、地、得”的写法, 这三个结构助词的读音完全一样,都是轻声“de”;但在书面语里不能写错。With the neutral tone “”, the pronunciation of the structural particles , and 5 is exactly the same. However, they are respectively written as , and 14 and are not interchangeable.2.结构助词“的”是专门附在定语后边的助词,也可以说是定语的标志。例如:Structural particle only occurs after an attributive modifier. It is the signal of attributive. For …

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