
Grammatical features

二、动宾词组的语法特点 Grammatical features (一)动宾词组的词序是固定的,动词一定在前边。 The order of constituents of a V-0 phrase is fixed: the verb precedes the object. (二)前一个词是及物动词,表示动作、行为;后一个词是表 示受前边动作行为的影响或支配的人或事物。 The first constituent of a V-0 phrase is a transitive verb indicating an action or behavior, while the second refers to the person or thing affected by the action. (三)动词后边直接带宾语,中间不需要用虚词。 No function word is …

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一、动宾词组的定义 Definition 按照支配和被支配的关系组合起来的一组词,叫动宾词组。 例如: A verb-object ( V-0) phrase is one in which the constituents are combined in the V-0 relation. For example: 吃早饭 (“吃”是动词;“早饭”是名词,是宾语。) ( 吃 is a verb and早饭 a noun functioning as the object. ) 写汉字 (“写”是动词;“汉字”是名词,是宾语。) (写 is a verb and 汉字a noun serving as the object. )

Points that merit special attention

四、使用主谓词组时需要注意的问题 Points that merit special attention (一)主谓词组的词序不能颠倒,否则结构和意思就都变了。 例如“他描写”是表示“他”进行“描写”这个动作,“描写” 的对象可以是人、事物或风景等;如果颠倒成“描写他”,就变成 了动宾关系,表示“描写”的对象是“他”。 The order of the two constituents in an S-P phrase cannot be re- versed, for the reversion of order will bring about a change both in structure and in meaning. For example, the phrase 他描写 means “he describes”. The object of the verb 描写may be …

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三、主谓词组的用途 Functions (一)做主语。 As the subject. 张教授来太好了。 理论联系实际很重要。 他这样做不对。 (二)做谓语。 As the predicate. 他头疼。 电影票我买两张。 他手指破了。 (三)做宾语。 As the object. 我希望你成功。 我相信我们还会见面。 我知道他已经出发了。 (四)做定语。 As an attributive. 留学生住的地方在那边。 您提的意见很正确。 这是我们游览的日程。 (五)做状语。 As an adverbial adjunt. 妈妈心疼地看着女儿。 他态度激昂地表示反对。 (六)做程度补语。 As a complement of degree. 他说得大家全笑了。 我笑得肚子都疼了。 他热得脸都红了。

Grammatical features

二、主谓词组的语法特点 Grammatical features (一)主调词组的词序是固定的,前边是“主”,后边是 “谓”。 The order of the two constituents is fixed with the subject preceding the predicate. (二)前边是“主”,是被陈述的对象,经常由名词、代词充当; 后边的是“谓”,是陈述“主”的,常由动词、形容词充当。例如: The first constituent of a S-P phrase is usually a noun or pronoun serving as a topic or the subject, and the second one, usually a verb or an adjective, is the predicate describing …

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一、主谓词组的定义 – Definition 按照陈述和被陈述的关系组合起来的一组词,叫主谓词组。 例如: A subject-predicate (S-P) phrase is one in which the constituents are combined in the S-P relation. For example: 头发长(“头发”是“主”,“长”是“谓”) (头发 is the subject and 长 the predicate. ) 他描写(“他”是“主”,“描写”是“谓”) ( 主 is the subject and 描写 the predicate. )

Pesquisadores encontram ‘quantidades significativas de água’ em Marte | CNN Brasil Instrumento da sonda ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter, da Agência Espacial Europeia, pode mapear até um metro abaixo da superfícieCientistas encontram região em Marte repleta de água abaixo da superfície Marte tem sua própria versão do Grand Canyon (fissura natural resultante de constante erosão, no Arizona), e os cientistas descobriram 名词从句que essa característica dramática é …

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Points that merit special attention

四、使用联合词组时需要注意的问题 Points that merit special attention (一)联合词组和句子成分 The coordinative phrase and sentence elements 1. 联合词组可以直接充当句子成分,本身没有特别标记。 A coordinative phrase can serve as a sentence element without any particular marker. 联合词组是由哪类词构成的,就具有哪类词的某些特点和用途,可以叫做哪类词性的联合词组。A coordinative phrase is characterized and functions according to its constituents, therefore we can name a coordinative phrase after the names of its constituents’ parts of speech.(1) …

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