1303 参观游览


Sightseeing Tour 参观游览

1. When was this museum built? 这座博物馆是什么时候建成的?

Do you know the time period this was built in? 你知道这是在什么年代建造的吗? 

It was build over 100 years ago. 大约一百多年前建的吧。 
The exact date is unknown, but it's at least 100 years old. 确切的日期不知道,但至少有100年了。 
It was recently built. 是最近建的。

exact adj. 确切的,精确的

2. Is this a historical area? 这是历史古迹区吗?

Is this area historical? 这个地区是历史古迹区吗? 
Is there anything historical about this area? 这一地区有什么历史古迹吗? 
Are there historical landmarks nearby?这附近有历史古迹吗?
Yes, there are many historical landmarks here. 有,这里有很多历史古迹。
Yes, and we'll see most of the historical landmarks on the tour. 有,旅行途中我们会看到很多历史古迹。 

There are a few historical places in the area, but not many. 这一地区有一些名胜古迹,但不是很多。 

♦ historical adj. 历史的,历史上的
♦ landmark end mark n. 标志性建筑

3. I want to enjoy some natural scenery. 我想欣赏自然风光。

I'd like to go some scenic sites. 我想去一些风景名胜地区。
I want to enjoy things that are different from cities. 我想领略一些与城市不同的东西。 

♦ scenery n. 风景,景色
♦ scenic sites 风景名胜

4. The scenery is beautiful. What's more, the air is fresh here. 这景色真美。而且,这里的空气也很新鲜。

What a beautiful pacific place this is! 多么美丽宁静的地方啊! 
I've never dreamed it would be so beautiful. 我从没想到会这么漂亮。 
I've never seen a waterfall like that before. 我从未见过那样的瀑布。

♦ what's more 而且,再说
♦ pacific adj. 平静的,宁静的
♦ waterfall 瀑布

5. How long is this tour? 这趟旅行要多长时间?

ls this a long or a short tour? 这是长途旅行还是短途旅行呢? 
Does this tour take long?这趟旅行要花很长时间吗? 
Is this tour short? 这是短途旅行吗?
It's a full hour tour. 足足一个小时的旅程。 
The tour isn't very long. It's about a half hour. 这趟旅行不会花很长时间,差不多半个小时吧。

6. Where does this tour lead through? 这趟旅程要去哪里啊?

Where do we go during this tour? 我们这趟旅游要去哪里啊? 
What do we see through this tour? 我们这趟旅游要看什么景观啊? 
What kind of places do we go to during this tour? 我们这趟旅游要去什么地方啊?

We'll go through many well-known streets and a few buildings. 我们会去参观很多著名的街道和一些建筑物。

♦ lead through 引领,带领

Sightseeing Tour Conversation 对话

Kevin: Are you guys enjoying yourselves? 

Kay: The Universal Studios tour was a good pick, Kevin.

Kevin: Thanks. I'm glad you guys are enjoying this. 

Kay: Of course, this stuff is pretty cool. 

Kevin: Yeah, I thought the Disney World tour would have too many kids.

Kay: Good thinking.

Kevin: Do you guys want to go back to the hotel after this?
Kay: If we're tired, yeah. But if we still have some energy we could just walk around the city.

Kevin: That's true, We'll decide when this is over. 

Kay: Sure thing.

♦ the Universal Studios 环球影城 
♦ pick n. 挑选,选择
♦ the Disney World 迪士尼世界
♦ energy n. 精力,能量

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