1206 请假


Taking a Leave 请假

1. I need to take a leave on the 29th of this month. 这个月29号,我要请一天假。

Is it alright if I take a leave next Thursday?下周四我请一天假可以吗? 
Could I take a leave on the 26th? 26号我能请一天假吗?

No problem. 没问题。

I'm sorry that may not be possible. You know we're now short of hands.对不起,那不太可能,你知道我们现在缺少人手。 

♦ take a leave 请假

2. I want to ask for a leave to go to the Bahamas with my family. 我想请假和我家人一起去巴哈马群岛。

I've always wanted to visit Europe. I should ask for a leave to go there. 我一直想去欧洲旅游,应该请个假去那儿。 

Go for it! 去吧!
I'm afraid I have to let you down. We're just assigned to an urgent task. 恐怕我得让你失望了,我们刚分配到了一个紧急任务。 

♦ ask for (a) leave 请假

3. I asked for leave. 我请假了。

I was absent on sick leave last Tuesday. 我上周二因病请假了。 
I have to ask for sick leave. 我得请个病假。

absent adj. 缺席的,不在场的

4. He is not working today. 他今天请假了。

Tom has taken lots of time off lately, has not he? 汤姆最近常请假,是不是?
As she had a high fever, she asked for leave. 她因为发高烧而请假。
He's on sick leave today. 他今天请病假了。

5. May I have one day off tomorrow? 我明天能请一天假吗?

Am I allowed to have one day off tomorrow? 我明天能请一天假吗? 
Could I have one day of tomorrow?明天我能请一天假吗? 
May I ask for leave tomorrow? 我明天能请一天假吗? 

What happened to you? 你怎么了?

6. I'm asking for a week's leave. 我准备请一星期假。

I want to ask for leave, about a week. 我想请大约一周的假。
I'd like to ask for a week's leave. 我想请一周的假。
I want to ask for leave for a week. 我想请一周的假。
Why? What happened? 为什么啊? 发生什么事了?

7. I'm sorry I can't come to work today. I'm running a temperature, 很抱歉我今天不能来上班,我在发烧。

I'm sorry. I got sick. I have to tell you I won't be in today. 很抱歉,我生病了。我得跟你说我今天不能上班。 
I'm not feeling well. I'll ask for a day's leave to see the doctor. 我感觉不舒服,我要请一天假去看医生。 

No problem. But you'd better ask someone else to take over what you're now in charge of. I hope you'll get better soon. 没问题。但是你最好找个人来接替现在负责的工作。希型你早日好起来。

♦ temperature n. 高烧,发烧

8. Fill in an absence form, and I will sign it. 填张假条,我帮你签字。

Submit the absence request, and I'll sign it. 填一下请假申请,我来签名。 
Fill in an absence form, and I will approve it. 填一下请假表,我来批准。 

Thank you very much.

♦ submit vt. 提交,呈递
♦ approve vt. 批准,通过

Taking a Leave Conversation 对话

Kevin: Man, I need to take a leave!
Steve: I hear ya, dude. But what's up? 

Kevin: I was thinking of seeing my father. He's ill. 

Steve: Well, I'm sorry to hear that. 

Kevin: It's OK. Nothing serious. I'm gonna talk to my boss about it tomorrow. 

(The next day) 

Kevin: Carol, I'd like to take two days off if it's all right with you. 

Carol: Sure, what's up? 

Kevin: My father was ill and he is in hospital now. I'm worried about him and I can't concentrate on my work.

Carol: Oh, sorry to hear that. Well, all you have to do is fill out this form and I'll sign it for you. 

Kevin: Oh alright, that's not so bad! Thanks Carol. 

Carol: No problem, Kevin. 

♦ what's up 怎么了
♦ Concentrate on sth. 专心于某事

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