1011 博客


Blog 博客

1. My friend has a really interesting blog. 我朋友有一个很有趣的博客。

I have a friend who updates a cool blog. 我有个朋友开通了一个很酷的博客。 
My friends update their blog a lot, and the stuff they write is pretty interesting. 我朋友经常更新他们的博客,他们写的东西都特別有趣。 
I like reading my friend's blog. It's pretty cool. 我喜欢看我朋友的博客,特别酷。 


I might read it too. Send me the link. 或许我也应该看看。发给我链接吧。 
Can I have the link to it? I want to read it. 能把链接发给我吗?我也想看。 

♦ update vt. 更新

2. I want to start up my own blog. 我想开通自己的博客。

I think I'll start my own blog. 我想要开个博客。
Starting a blog can't be hard. I'll do it. 开通博客不难。我要开一个。
I'm pretty sure i'll start up my own blog soon. 我很肯定我马上就能开通博客了。 

Go for it. I'll be sure to read it. 去开吧。我肯定会看的。
That sounds like it could be fun. 听起来很有意思。

3. I need to help with a blog layout. I don't know any HTML. 我想请一个网页设计师来设计个博客吧。我对HTML一点都不懂。

I need some coding help for my blog layout. 我需要一些编码人员来帮助我设计博客。
I want a web designer for my blog. 我想请一个网页设计师来设计我的博客。 
I don't know HTML, so I need to find someone to help me out with my blog. 我不懂HTML,所以我需要找人帮我设计博客。 
Do you know anyone who can help me out with HTML? I need it for my blog layout. 你知道有谁能帮我解决HTML的问题吗?我需要用它来设计博客。 

I know HTML. 我懂HTML. 
I have a few friends that could help you. 我有几位朋友可以帮你。 

Maybe you could learn how to do it yourself. 或许你可以自己去学一下。

♦ layout n. 版面編排,设计 
♦ HTML = Hypertext Markup Language 超文本链接标示语言 
♦ coding n. 编码

4. I had an amazing weekend. I wrote all about it in my blog. 这个周末太有意思了。我把它全部写在博客里了。

I just updated my blog. I wrote all about my crazy weekend. 我刚更新了我的博客。我把有关于这个被狂周末的事情都写在上面了。
My weekend was insane! I wrote an entry in my blog about it. 这个周末太疯狂了!我在博客上记录下来了。 

Cool, I'll have to read it. 太好了,我得去看看。 

entry n. 项目,记录

5. I like to follow celebrity's blogs. 我喜欢名人的博客。

I read a few blogs that celebrities write. 我读了一些名人写的博客。
1 keep myself updated with my favorite celebrities by reading their blogs. 我通过看我喜欢的名人的博客未了解他们最新的消息。 

I do the same thing. 我也这么做。

I don't really have the time to do that, but it sounds awesome. 我没时间看那个,但是听起来很不错。 

celebrity n. 名人

6. Are you a blogger? 你是博客写手吗?

Sure I am. I've been writing a blog for almost three years. 我当然是啦。我都写了将近三年了。 

No, I am not. I don't have time to write blogs.不,我不是。我没有 时间写博客。

7. When did you start blogging? 你什么时候开始写博客的?

I began blogging when I was a freshman. 我是从上大一的时候开始写博客的。

I am not sure. Maybe five years ago. 我不确定。也许是5年前吧。

8. How often do you publish a blog? 你多久发表一篇博客日志?
Once a day. 一天更新一次。 

It all depends. Usually every other day. 视情况而定。通常每隔一天。

Blog Conversation 对话

Kevin: Hey Kay I was reading your blog the other day, and I have a question.

Kay: Yeah, what's up? 

Kevin: Well first off, I thought it was pretty cool.

Kay: Thanks. I don't put much work into it, but it passes the time.

Kevin: You're a really good writer. I was wondering if you could help me start up my own blog.

Kay: Sure, I guess so. The site I use is free.

Kevin: Oh, really? How do I make my own page? 

Kay: I have a friend that helps me out with that stuff, but I can show you some basic HTML if you want a custom page layout. 

Kevin: That sounds great! If you don't mind teaching me, that is. 

Kay: It's cool, How about we meet up tomorrow in the library and I can teach you some stuff?
凯: 好的。我们明天在图书馆见面我教你一些东西怎么样?

Kevin: Sounds good. I'll meet you there.

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