Paycheck to Paycheck 月光族 1. I really need this next paycheck or I won't be able to make rent. 我盼望下一次的工资,否则我就交不起房租了。 同样的说法: • I'm going to be unable to pay my rent if I don't get paid soon. 如果再不发工资我就要交不起房租了。 放心吧,一定会好起来的: I'm sure you'll be fine. 我肯定你会好起来的。 ♦ make rent 付房租 2. Could I borrow some money? 能借我些钱吗? 能借点儿钱吗: Is it okay if I borrow some money? I really need it. 借我点钱行吗? 我确实需要。 I'm desperate for some money. Could I borrow Some? 我急需要钱, 能借我一点吗? 可以,不过虽然是朋友也得还啊: Sure, but you have to pay me back. 当然可以,但你得还我。 我没钱: No, don't have any to give! 不,我没钱借给你! ♦ be desperate for 渴望得到
3. I'm scared I'll have to take out a second mortgage. 我好害怕我得又得做第二个抵押贷款了。 又要还贷款了: I might have to file for a second mortgage. 我可能要申请第二个按揭贷款了。 不要太悲观啊: Don't worry. It won't get that bad. 别担心,不会那么糟的。 ♦ take out 提出 ♦ file for 申请 5. If I don't find a new job I won't be able to keep up with my money. 如果我找不到新的工作,我的钱可能就不够用了。 换种说法: I'm not going to be able to keep up with my spending if I don't get a second job. 如果我找不到第二份工作,我的钱就不够花了。 别担心,我来帮你: I'll see if I can find anything for you. 我看看能不能帮你找到。 ♦ keep up with 跟上 5. I'm afraid l'll have to take a payday loan out to make ends meet. 我恐怕得弄一个发薪日贷款来保持收支平衡了。 收支不相抵 I don't think I'm going to be able to make ends meet. 我觉得我没法做到收支平衡。 但也不要太担心啊: I help you out. Don't worry. 我会帮你的,别担心。 ♦ payday n. 发薪日,支付日 ♦ make ends meet 量入为出,收支相抵 6. If this raise doesn't come through, I won't have money for food! 如果这次提薪没有通过,我连吃饭的钱都没有了!
没钱吃饭了: I can't even afford to eat this week! 这周我连吃饭的钱都没有了! 过来找我就有饭吃了: Why don't you come over? I make you dinner. 你为什么不过来? 我请你吃饭。 ♦ come through 经历,安然度过 Paycheck to Paycheck Conversation 对话 Kevin: Debra, can l talk to you for a second? 凯文:黛布拉,能跟你谈谈吗? Debra: Sure, what's up? 黛布拉:当然,什么事? Kevin: Debra, where do you get all of your money from? 凯文:桑布拉,你的钱都是怎么来的? Debra. Well, from my job, obviously. 黛布拉:很显然是我工作挣的。 Kevin: Oh, alright, I was just curious. 凯文:哦,好吧,我只是好奇。 Debra: Why did you ask me that? 黛布拉:你为什么问我那个? Kevin: Well, it seems like you've been spending all your money on stuff you don't need. 凯文:哦,你好像经常把钱花在买一些你不需要的东西上面。 Debra: Well sure, but it's my money. 黛布拉:嗯,好吧,但那是我的钱。 Kevin: I just don't want to see you get into debt. That's all. 凯文:我只是不想看你欠债。仅此而已。 Debra:I guess you're right. Maybe I should look into budgeting things a little better.