1301 旅游计划


Travel Planning 旅游计划 

1. I want to go on a vacation. 我想去度假。

I should go on a vacation. 我应该去度假。 
I'd really like to go on a vacation. 我真想去度假。
Going on a vacation would be nice. 去度假会很不错。 

Yeah, I agree. 是的,没错。 
It's kind of an odd time of year to go on a vacation. 这个时节去度假令人费解。 

♦ go on a vacation 去度假 
♦ odd adj. 奇怪的,古怪的

2. I wonder what kind of places I could travel to. 我想知道我可以去哪些地方旅游。

I want to do a little bit of traveling. 我想做点儿旅行方面的计划。 
I should travel more. 我应该更多地旅行。 

You could ask a few travel agencies what's available. 你可以去问问旅行社看看有什么地方可去。 

♦ travel agency 旅行社
3. Do you want to take a road trip? 你想进行一次公路旅行吗?

Would you like to take a road trip? 你想进行一次公路旅行吗? 
We could always take a road trip, if you want. 如果你想的话,我们可以进行一次公路旅行。 
Taking a road trip might be cool. 公路旅行可能会很不错。 

Yeah, man. That sounds awesome. 是啊,听起来很不错。
Let's do it. 那咱们行动吧。

♦ take a road trip 进行一次公路旅行

4. We're thinking of taking a trip to the mountains. 我们想去山上旅行。

I'm going on a trip to Europe. 我打算去欧洲旅行。 
We want to arrange a trip to Hawaii. 我们想安排一次去夏威夷的旅行。 
I'll have a week to do sightseeing in that beautiful city. 我将在那个美丽的城市游览一周。

♦ sightseeing n. 观光,游览

5. I'm supposed to go on a vacation with my family later this year. 我打算今年年底和家人去旅游。

My family wanted to take a vacation later this year. 我家人想在今年年底去旅游。 
I have a family vacation to go to later in the year. 今年年底我们一家人要去旅游。 

That Sucks. Family Vacations are the worst. 太没劲了,家庭旅游最差劲了。 

玩得高兴点儿吧: - 
I hope you have fun. 希望你们玩儿得愉快。
6. I need to look up some hotels. 我要查一下酒店。

I Should call a few hotels. 我应该打几个酒店的电话问问。 
I could look up some hotel rates. 我要查一下酒店的价格。
I need to find out hotel rates. 我要找找酒店的价格。 

Go for it. 去吧。

I'll help you out. 我会帮你的。

♦ look up 查询

7. I should find some friends to split the cost with. 我应该找些朋友分担一下费用。

找人拼“游” 吧:
I hope some friends will come along, so we can split the cost. 我希望我些朋友一起去,这样我们能一起分担费用。 
I might have a few friends that will split the cost with me. 我可能找几个朋友,和我分担一下费用。
I'll call some friends to see if they want to come along and split the cost。我会打电话叫些朋友看看他们是不是想一起去,这样能分 摊一下费用。

That's a good idea. 这主意不错。
Yeah, I bet you could get at least 4 people to go. 嗯,我敢肯定你至少能叫上四个人。 

♦ split vt. 分担,分享
♦ come along 一起来,随同

Travel Planning Conversation 对话

Kevin: I've been wanting to take a vacation lately.
Mabel: Oh yeah? To where? 

Kevin: I don't know, maybe Florida. I was going to ask my family about it. 

Mabel: You wanted a family vacation? No way.

Kevin: What's wrong with it?

Mabel: Those are never any fun. We could have a road trip down there with a few other friends.

Kevin: Sure, I guess that sounds cool.

Mabel: It'll be awesome. We just need to call a few hotels, get some rates, and split the cost.

Kevin: Yeah, that's actually a really good idea. I'll call some of my friends and ask them about it 

Mabel: I'll call some travel agencies.

♦ No way. 不会吧,不可能。 
♦ get some rates 得到报价 

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