1005 闪婚


Flash Marriage 闪婚

1. My girlfriend and I are doing great. 我和我女朋友处得挺好的。

My relationship is going so well. 我和我女朋友相处得很好。
I have a really good relationship right now. 我现在跟她的关系很不错。

That's good man. 那很好啊,伙计。
Awesome. I'm happy for you. 太好了,我为你们感到高兴。

2. We haven't been dating too long, but I really like her. 我们约会还没多长时间,但我真的喜欢她。


I really love her, even though we haven't been together for too long. 我真的爱地,尽管我们还没相处多长时间。
I know we haven't been dating for long, but I'm so in love with her. 我知道我们还没约会多长时间,但是我已经爱上她了。

You think you love her already? 你觉得你已经爱上她了? 

Don't you think it's kind of early for saying that kind of stuff? 你不觉得这么说有点过早了吗? 

Wow, the relationship is really moving forward fast. I'm glad you two are so happy. 哇,你们进展得真快。你们这么幸福,我感到很开心。

3. I want us to get married. 我想我们该结婚了。

We should get married. 我们该结婚了。
Do you think we should get married? 你觉得我们该结婚了吗? 
I think we're going to get married. 我想我们要结婚了。

Marriage already? Well, whatever you want. 现在就结婚?好吧,随便你想怎么样。 
I don't know if you should get married yet. 我不知道你是不是应该结婚。 

It's pretty early, but if you think it's true love then I don't see why not. 太早了,但如果你觉得是真正的爱情,那我还有什么不可以的呢。

4. Let's have our wedding in Vegas. They have last minute ceremonies there, 咱们在拉斯维加斯举行婚礼吧。他们有快速婚礼。

We should go to Vegas for our wedding, since we want to get married soon and everything. 我们应该去拉斯维加斯举行婚礼,因为我们 想马上结婚而且一切都妥当。 
Do you want to have our wedding in Vegas? They have speedy ceremonies, don't they? 你想在拉斯维加斯举行婚礼吗?那里有快速婚礼,不是吗?
Let's go to Vegas to get married! It's easy to have a last minute wedding there. 咱们去拉斯维加斯结婚吧!那里的快捷婚礼很简单的。 

That sounds great! Let's plan the trip right now. 听起来不错!咱们现在来计划旅程吧。 
That's a good idea. Let's go as soon as we can! 很不错的主意。咱们赶快去吧!

♦ last minute ceremony 快速婚礼,指那些不要求计划的婚礼,基本上只要走到那里就可以结婚了,和下文的speedy ceremony和last minute wedding是同一个意思。

5. Our wedding in Vegas was so awesome 我们在拉斯维加斯的婚礼棒极了!

We had a fun time in Vegas, and the wedding was great. 我们在拉斯维加斯玩得很开心,婚礼也很棒。
Vegas is amazing, and our wedding went so well for a last minute thing. 拉斯维加斯太棒了,我们的整个婚礼进行得都很顺利。 

That's great. I hope you two are happy together. 很好,希望你们俩在一起很幸福。 
That's good to hear. I want to see the pictures! 听起来很好。我想看照片。

Flash Marriage Conversation 对话

Steve: Hey, Kevin! Do you remember that Donna girl I told you about? 

Kevin: Yeah, You two have been dating, right? 
Steve: Yeah, but we decided we want to take it to the next level.

Kevin: What do you mean, bro? 

Steve: Donna and l are getting married!

Kevin: Married? Didn't you just met her a few months ago? 

Steve: Yeah, but we've become realty close, I think we're going to Vegas to get married in one of those drive thru weddings.

Kevin: Well man, I can't say I agree with your decision, but just do what makes you happy.

Steve: Thanks for the support, Kevin. Donna makes me happy, and I can't wait until we got married.

Kevin: Yeah, I can see that. I really hope you two are great together.

Steve: Thanks, man! I'll send you pictures of the ceremony! 

Kevin: Catch you later. Have fun.
凯文: 一会见。玩得开心点。

♦ take it to the next level 向前进一步,向前发展
♦ bro 兄弟(brother 的缩写) 
♦ drive thru weddings 汽车通道婚礼,这样的婚礼灯比快餐店的汽车通道,你 不用下车就可以买到食物,只不过这里不是买食物,而是结婚。在拉斯维加斯, 为了方便那些高了喝大了的人快结婚,有的教堂开设汽车通道,办理结婚 手续。

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